federal health exchanges News

New York Insurers Predict Spike in Health Exchange Use

Two start-up insurers in the New York health exchange, one promising unlimited telemedicine, say customer queries have been rising rapidly and they expect enrollment spikes by the new Dec. 23 deadline for coverage next year. The state reports 27,000 more …

Many in Mississippi ‘Out of Luck’ as Health Insurers Shun Exchange

People in 36 of Mississippi’s 82 counties may not be able to buy health insurance through the new federal online marketplace when it starts enrolling customers in October. Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney said two insurers have announced offerings so far, …

Wisconsin Insurance Leaders Detail Uncertainty of Exchanges

It will be a tough task implementing the online health insurance marketplaces that are required of each state under the federal health care overhaul, and there will no doubt be consumer horror stories about trying to navigate them, according to …

Opponents of Obamacare Sue Over IRS Rule on Tax Credits

A group of individuals and businesses filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s healthcare overhaul on Thursday, hoping to stop the law in states that have not set up new insurance exchanges. The complaint filed in the Washington federal court …

Insurers’ Deadline for Health Exchange Plans Extended

The deadline for health insurers to submit applications to sell insurance in the states in which the federal government is running the health exchange has been extended by three days until Friday, a spokeswoman at the Department of Health and …

Obama Administration Says Federal Health Exchanges on Track for 2014

The Obama administration on Friday said it is on track to set up federal health insurance exchanges by 2014 in U.S. states that fail to establish their own regulated insurance markets as required by the U.S. healthcare reform law. The …