federal insurance marketplace News

In Virginia, 74,000-Plus Enrolled in Health Plans Through Insurance Marketplace

More than 74,000 Virginians have enrolled in health plans through the federal insurance marketplace. Figures from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that from Oct. 1 through Feb. 1, 28 percent of those in Virginia who selected …

In Penn., ACA Exchange Sign-Ups Top 100K Mark as Website Troubles Subside

More than 123,000 Pennsylvanians have selected an insurance plan under the new federal health care law as troubles with the gateway website have subsided, the U.S. government said Wednesday, although tens of thousands more who might be eligible for Medicaid …

More Than 81,000 Pennsylvanians Enroll Under Federal Health Care Law

Government figures released Monday show that more than 81,000 Pennsylvanians have enrolled under the federal health care law, a sharp increase from the 11,800 who were signed up at the end of November. The Obama administration now says that more …

More than 44,000 in Va. Enroll in Health Plans Through Federal Marketplace

More than 44,000 Virginians have signed up for health plans through the federal insurance marketplace. In addition, about 17,000 were found to be eligible for Medicaid or children’s health insurance through the marketplace. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that most residents …