Federal Reserve News

Swiss Re’s Chief Economist Sees Fed Actions Calming Debt Crisis

Swiss Re’s Chief Economist, Kurt Karl, has predicted that the decision by the Federal Reserve to maintain the target fed funds rate at zero to 25 basis points would help calm some of the turmoil in the global financial markets. …

Federal Reserve Paid Government $77 Billion in 2011

The Federal Reserve paid the federal government $76.9 billion in 2011, the second highest amount in history. The central bank earned the money from investments made to bolster the U.S. economy. The Fed reported that the 2011 payment is down …

Fed Proposes Rules to Restrain Wall Street Risk-Taking

The Federal Reserve proposed new rules on Tuesday to restrain risk-taking by the largest U.S. banks as it tries to make the financial system more resilient against future crises. The proposal, required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law, includes …

Financial Services Oversight Rules Possible This Week

The Federal Reserve is expected to release this week a highly anticipated proposal for how it will oversee the largest U.S. banks, a person familiar with the plan said on Monday. The proposal, which includes a group of rules such …

MetLife: Fed Blocks Dividend Increase, Buyback Plans

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. life insurer, said the Federal Reserve blocked it from raising its dividend and buying back shares, a surprise to investors and analysts who had expected both as soon as this week. MetLife shares fell 4 …

How Federal Reserve’s Move Hurts Life Insurers

The Federal Reserve’s latest move to stimulate credit for consumers and businesses, known as Operation Twist, is likely to threaten the earnings of some of the country’s largest insurers for years to come. Wall Street in the past week has …

Fed Eyes Steep Capital for Risky Financial Firms

The largest and riskiest U.S. financial firms could be forced to hold up to twice as much capital as called for in the international Basel III accord, under one plan the Federal Reserve is considering. Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo said …

Federal Reserve Rejects AIG Offer for Mortgage Bonds

The Federal Reserve rejected a $15.7 billion bid from insurer American International Group for a pool of mortgage-backed securities Wednesday and said it will sell off the bonds over time instead. The news is a blow to AIG, which has …

New Systemic Risk Council Faces Key Test

The new council of U.S. regulators will face a major test on Tuesday when it unveils recommendations on how to enforce one of the most recognizable, if inscrutable, aspects of the six-month-old Wall Street reform law: the Volcker rule. The …