Federal News

Status of Post-Flood Report for Tennessee Unclear

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been giving different answers about whether it will produce a post-flood report for the Cumberland River basin and surrounding areas. In an interview, Corps Programs Integration Division Chief Gary Loew said last Thursday …

Supreme Court Upholds But Criticizes Business Method Patents Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a ruling refusing to give a patent for a business method, but also criticized the prevailing standard for deciding whether to allow such patents. The case, involving a system for hedging against energy cost changes, …

Supreme Court Partially Strikes Down SOX Accounting Board

The Supreme Court Monday struck down part of a law to prevent fraud committed by companies like Enron and WorldCom, saying a board to police public companies’ auditors violated the Constitution. But the ruling left the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley law and …

Lawmakers Agree on Historic Financial Industry Reforms

U.S. lawmakers hammered out a historic overhaul of financial regulations as dawn broke over the nation’s capital Friday, handing President Barack Obama a major domestic victory on the eve of a global summit devoted to financial reform. In a marathon …

Highlights of U.S. Financial Reforms

A U.S. Senate-House of Representatives panel has completed a bill overhauling financial regulation. It must now win approval in each chamber before it can go to President Barack Obama to be signed into law. Here is a brief look at …

Democratic Governors Defend Healthcare Overhaul

A small group of Democratic governors this week launched a counter-attack over the federal healthcare overhaul, firing back against legal challenges from nearly two dozen state attorneys general who are seeking to overturn the new law. In a sign of …

House Passes Flood Insurance Extension; Senate Must Still Vote

The House of Representatives has passed another temporary extension of the National Flood Insurance Program until Sept. 30, 2010. The program has been suspended from issuing new policies since May 31. Reauthorization provisions have been embedded in controversial legislation on …

U.S. Ex-Im Bank Gives Financial Support to Rebuild Chile Infrastructure

The Export Import Bank of the United States announced that over the last two months it has “has approved five medium-term insurance policies through PNC Bank for buyers in Chile, all of which focus on infrastructure development.” The bank’s bulletin …

Senate Again Rejects Bill Containing Flood Insurance Program Restart

The U.S. Senate yesterday again voted down a legislative package on jobless benefits, Medicare payments to doctors and business tax breaks that also contains reauthorization of the nation’s flood insurance program. Despite reducing the overall cost of the package, Democrats …

How New Independent BP Claims Process Should Work

The White House offered an explanation Wednesday of how its new independent claims process would work for those harmed by the BP oil spill, including details of a $20 billion escrow account funded by the British oil giant. NEW DAMAGE …