Federal News

Some Health Insurers Shifting Costs Ahead of New Loss Ratio Mandate

Some of the largest U.S. health insurers are changing their accounting practices to book administration costs as medical costs in an attempt to circumvent new industry reforms, according to a recent U.S. Senate panel’s report. Under the healthcare law passed …

MetLife Pays $13.5 Million to Settle U.S. Contingent Commission Case

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. insurer, has agreed to pay $13.5 million to resolve a federal government investigation into improper payments made to a San Diego-based insurance broker, the U.S. Justice Department said on Thursday. It said the millions of …

SEC Charges Goldman Sachs with Civil Fraud

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was charged with fraud Friday by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the structuring and marketing of a debt product tied to subprime mortgages. The SEC alleged that Goldman structured and marketed a synthetic collateralized …

Senate Hearings to Explore Federal Mine Safety Regulation Flaws

The Senate plans to explore weaknesses in federal mine safety laws when it convenes the first of a series of hearings this month on the deadly mining disaster in West Virginia. Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin says the Health, Education, Labor …

President Obama Signs Jobless Aid, Flood Insurance Extension

Congress Thursday voted to restore jobless benefits for hundreds of thousands of Americans who had lost them during a partisan standoff in the Senate over spending. [The bill also reauthorizes the federal flood insurance program until the end of May …

Georgia Joins Lawsuit Against Healthcare Overhaul

Georgia is joining a Florida-led group of states in a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama’s overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, Florida’s attorney general said Tuesday. Bill McCollum, who is seeking the Republican nomination to run for Florida governor, said …

How to Handle Firms ‘Too Big To Fail’ Divides Democrats, Republicans

U.S President Barack Obama will try to turn up the pressure for an overhaul of Wall Street regulations as he meets Wednesday with top Democratic and Republican lawmakers to discuss a sweeping package of reforms. Republicans are seizing on a …

Bill Restoring Jobless Aid, Flood Insurance Clears Senate Hurdle

A measure that would restore lapsed jobless aid for hundreds of thousands of Americans and reauthorize the federal flood insurance program cleared a hurdle in the Senate Wednesday, clearing the way for passage later in the week. By a vote …

Senate Ends Fillibuster on Jobless Benefits, Flood Insurance Program

The U.S. Senate voted Monday to end debate on a bill to extend unemployment benefits and COBRA health insurance subsidies that also includes a reauthorization of the national flood insurance program. The vote to end a Republican fillibuster was 60 …

Georgia Opts Out of Temporary Health Insurance High Risk Pool

Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine said that he will not participate in the first phase of recently enacted federal health care legislation that calls for the implementation of a temporary high risk insurance pool in Georgia. Oxendine said that the …