Federal News

Federal Reserve Discloses Toxic Assets It Bought to Rescue Banks, AIG

After two years of secrecy, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is disclosing key details about billions of dollars of risky investments it bought while rescuing insurance giant American International Group Inc. and supporting the sale of failed investment …

Alabama Trucking Firm in Kentucky Fatal Crash Flunked Safety Rating

An Alabama trucking company involved in a crash that killed 11 people in Kentucky had a poor safety rating from federal regulators, repeatedly failing roadside inspections. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration gave Hester Inc. a “deficient” rating of 88.4 …

U.S. Seeks Permanent Ban on Texting by Bus, Truck Drivers

U.S Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has proposed a federal rule that would to specifically prohibit texting by interstate commercial truck and bus drivers. The proposed rule would make permanent an interim ban announced in January 2010 that applied existing safety …

U.S. Safety Chief Pressures Mines to Install High-Tech Equipment

America’s top coal mine regulator says he will redouble pressure on the industry to meet a 4-year-old congressional mandate to equip the nation’s underground mines with high-tech communications and tracking gear. Mine Safety and Health Administration figures show 34 mines …

Terrorism Insurance Market in State of Uncertainty

The threat of terrorism in the U.S. is rising but the future of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is in question. At a time when top U.S. officials warn of an imminent attack that might be hard to prevent, …

Republicans Once Backed Health Insurance Mandate They Now Oppose

Republicans were for President Barack Obama’s requirement that Americans get health insurance before they were against it. The obligation in the new health care law is a Republican idea that’s been around at least two decades. It was once trumpeted …

Congress Approves Final Healthcare Bill Changes

The U.S. Congress approved a package of final changes to President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul Thursday, and Obama dared Republicans to try to repeal the new law. The House put the finishing touches on the overhaul by passing a …

Federal Flood Insurance Program Closed for Weeks

As insurance and real estate agents and homeowners feared, Congress left Washington without extending the federal flood insurance program. Congress adjourned until April 12 after failing to agree on an unemployment benefits bill that included a provision with an extension …

Mississippi Receives $1 Million Federal Grant for Home Smoke Alarms

The federal government has awarded nearly $1 million to Mississippi to pay for smoke alarms in homes. The State Fire Marshal’s Free Smoke Alarm Installation Program is the recipient of the Department of Homeland Security grant. Commissioner of Insurance and …

Plug Could Be Pulled from Flood Insurance Program Again This Weekend

Insurance and real estate agents are being advised to prepare their clients for another possible interruption of the federal flood insurance program in three days, which could be longer than the one that happened last month. The Senate is expected …