Federal News

Pay Czar Demands More Pay Cuts at AIG, Other Bailed Out Firms

The Obama administration’s pay czar Tuesday slashed pay again at five U.S. firms that still depend on a government lifeline, but boasted that the clampdowns are not sending talented workers fleeing for the exits. Kenneth Feinberg, a Washington lawyer who …

Insurance Agents, Carriers Make Progress in Modifying Dodd Bill

Insurance agents and carriers are reporting progress in their efforts to modify a proposed federal financial services regulation bill passed by the Senate Banking Committee, while risk managers have extended their support to the legislation. Lobbyists for the Independent Insurance …

How States Are Responding to Healthcare Reform Law

Many U.S. states are worried that the healthcare overhaul plan approved by the U.S. House of Representatives will usurp their sovereignty and impose more spending on their already stretched budgets. Republican attorneys general in at least 12 states announced on …

Republican Attorneys General Pursue Sovereignty Claim Against Health Bill

Republican attorneys general in at least 12 U.S. states warned Monday that lawsuits will be filed to stop the federal government’s healthcare reform bill from encroaching on states’ sovereignty. The lawsuits were announced hours after the U.S. House of Representatives …

House Approves Healthcare Bill with Fixes; Senate Vote Next

The House of Representatives gave final approval to a sweeping healthcare overhaul Sunday, expanding insurance coverage to nearly all Americans and handing President Barack Obama a landmark victory. On a late-night 219-212 vote, House Democrats approved the most dramatic health …

Key Features of Healthcare Reform Passed By House

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a sweeping $940 billion healthcare overhaul Sunday in a two-step process that sends a Senate version of the bill to President Barack Obama for his signature and a package of changes sought by Democrats …

Insurance Agents, U.S. Chamber Unhappy with Healthcare Reform

Independent insurance agents are among those today expressing their disappointment with the health care reform bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The House approved the Senate-passed bill and also approved a separate bill that makes changes agreed to …

Federal Healthcare Reform Triggering Opposition by States

As the U.S. Congress once again rallies to pass healthcare reform legislation, momentum is growing in many states to pass laws to block the changes — a move that could lead to a legal battle over states’ sovereignty. Bills and …

P/C Executives to Dodd: Don’t Shift Risky Firms’ Costs to Insurers

Property/casualty insurance companies, which already pay into state guaranty funds to backup claims of their insolvent peers, don’t want to have to also pay into a federal fund to cover failures of larger and riskier financial services firms. Leading p/c …

Details of Final Healthcare Reform Bill

Congressional Democrats have unveiled the final changes to a sweeping healthcare overhaul they hope will clear the U.S. House of Representatives on Sunday. Democrats are using a two-step process that involves the House approving the Senate-passed version of the bill …