Federal News

Walt Disney World Fine for Monorail Death Reduced

A fine issued to Walt Disney World by a federal workplace safety agency for a serious violation that contributed to the death of a worker during a summer monorail accident has been reduced by 20 percent. Disney had been fined …

Federal Reserve Defends Dealings Over AIG Payments to Banks

Federal Reserve officials Tuesday launched a vigorous defense of their dealings with American International Group, calling for a congressional audit and denying any inappropriate action with respect to payments the bailed-out insurer made to banks. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke invited …

Republican Win in Massachusetts Could Jeopardize Healthcare Bill

In a stunning blow to President Barack Obama, Republican Scott Brown won a bitter U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts Tuesday and promised to be the deciding vote against his sweeping healthcare overhaul. Brown’s win robbed Democrats of the crucial 60th …

Geithner Denies Role in Hiding AIG Payments to Banks

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday the bailout of insurer American International Group was not meant to help out bank counterparties and that he had no role in the decision not to disclose payments made to banks. In his …

Ex-AIG CEO Greenberg Sees Hope for Overhaul of Bailout

Former AIG CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg said the rising tide of questions about the government’s 2008 rescue of the insurer could be the catalyst for a dramatic overhaul of the bailout. “I believe that for the first time there is …

Wall Street Barons Concede Failures, Offer No Apologies

Wall Street’s chiefs acknowledged taking on “too much risk” and having “choked” on their own cooking, but stopped short of an apology as they sparred with a commission looking into the financial crisis. The first public hearing of the Financial …

Obama to Seek Fees From Banks, AIG to Recoup Bailout Funds

President Barack Obama will propose a fee Thursday to recoup from the country’s top financial institutions up to $117 billion lost on a taxpayer bank bailout fund, a senior administration official said. Obama will announce the plan in a statement …

Mississippi’s Jackson County Readying to Buy Flood Prone Properties

A program to buy oft-flooded properties in Jackson County, Mississippi may be moving forward after years of delays. After Hurricanes Georges in 1998 and Katrina in 2005, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Mississippi Emergency Management Agency offered to purchase …

Congressional Pressure Builds to Disclose AIG Payments to Banks

U.S. lawmakers moved Tuesday to force release of documents that may show whether the New York Federal Reserve pressured insurer AIG to limit discussions about payments to banks when current Treasury Secretary Geithner led the New York Fed. The Democrat …

Secret AIG Filing May Have Revealed Banks With Worst Securities Deals

Information about the American International Group bailout that regulators agreed to keep secret may reveal which banks held some of the worst performing mortgage-related securities at the time of the rescue. Reuters reported Monday that the Securities and Exchange Commission …