Federal News

House, Senate Democrats Struggle to Find Healthcare Compromise

Democrats in the House struggled Tuesday to find common ground with the Senate on how to pay for a healthcare reform bill, with the differences over taxes emerging as the biggest stumbling block to a quick deal. Returning to work …

SEC Order Keeps Some AIG Bailout Terms Sealed Until 2018

It could take until November 2018 to get the full story behind the U.S. bailout of insurance giant American International Group because of an action taken last year by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In May, the SEC approved a …

Inadequate Warning Claims Against Generic Drugs OK Under State Law

A federal appeals court said Friday that patients may sue generic drugmakers under state law for failing to provide adequate warnings about their drugs’ potential side effects, extending a 2009 U.S. Supreme Court ruling governing makers of name-brand drugs. The …

Health Insurers Seek Tax, Profit Changes in Health Reform Bill

Health insurance lobbyists are pushing lawmakers to eliminate caps on profits and other administrative spending and delay a hefty, industry-wide tax under the massive healthcare reform legislation being finalized in Congress. Health insurers, which include companies such as Aetna Inc., …

N.Y. Fed Sought to Limit AIG Disclosures of Bank Payments

The New York Federal Reserve Bank under Timothy Geithner urged insurer AIG in late 2008 to limit disclosures about its payments to banks after getting a $180 billion government bailout, emails released Thursday showed. The email exchanges, between the New …

Group Sues for Records Proving Post-Madoff Reforms at SEC

A legal watchdog group has asked a court to order U.S. securities regulators to cough up records showing they implemented promised reforms following their failure to detect Bernard Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme. In a lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court, …

Lawmakers Press Treasury Secretary Geithner for AIG Testimony

Two prominent U.S. lawmakers Friday called for U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to testify to help determine if the New York Federal Reserve Bank improperly influenced insurer AIG to withhold information on its payments to banks after a government bailout. …

Job Bias Charges Jumped in 2009

Workplace discrimination charges rose in 2009, reaching the second highest level ever recorded, according to federal officials. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that 93,277 workplace discrimination charges were filed with the federal agency nationwide during fiscal year 2009 …

Democrats Optimistic on Health Care Bill Prospect

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday she was sure Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate would produce a final health care reform plan that would hold insurers accountable and make medical coverage affordable. She did not promise the …

Key Differences in Senate, House Health Bills

Democrats in the U.S. Congress are preparing to merge the two health care bills passed in 2009 by the Senate and House of Representatives into a single bill. This compromise bill would have to be passed by both chambers of …