Federal News

State Securities Regulators Blast SEC for ‘Madoff Culture’

The Securities and Exchange Commission culture that allowed the Madoff fraud scandal to go undetected for nearly two decades may not change and the agency isn’t doing enough to support investor protection proposals in Congress, according to a top state …

SEC Settlements Declined in 2009 For Second Straight Year

The number of Securities and Exchange Commission settlements declined for the second consecutive fiscal year in 2009, with 626 defendants, compared to 673 in FY 2008, according to the global consultng firm, NERA Economic Consulting, in its fiscal year-end SEC …

Supreme Court Audit Board Case Could Reopen Sarbanes-Oxley Debate

The Supreme Court hears a case on Monday that could alter how corporate America is audited and overhaul the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate reform act. The outcome of the case will determine whether a central component of the Sarbanes-Oxley law — an …

Health Insurers, White House Spar as Healthcare Debate Heats Up

The health insurance industry Thursday struck back at provisions in Congress’ healthcare proposals that it said would do little to curb the nation’s spiraling costs or provide people more affordable coverage. Congress is tip-toeing toward incremental healthcare reform that does …

House Extends Estate Tax But Senate Likely to Change

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a permanent extension of the federal estate tax on Thursday, but the measure, which taxes estates at rate of 45 percent after exempting the first $3.5 million, is likely to be changed in the …

Insurance Agents Urge Reform of Estate Tax

Insurance agents are pleased that the House of Representatives is paying attention to the estate tax but want lawmakers to seize the opportunity to reform the tax rather than simply extend current provisions. Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed …

House Advances Sweeping Overhaul of Financial Services Regulation

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives voted Wednesday to give government regulators the power to break up financial firms that threaten economic stability, and to expose the Federal Reserve to unprecedented congressional scrutiny. In a milestone for the Obama administration’s …

Unemployed Face Higher Healthcare Premiums Without COBRA Extension

Millions of unemployed U.S. workers face sharply higher health insurance premiums and loss of coverage as temporary federal subsidies expire, a healthcare advocacy group said Tuesday. With the U.S. unemployment rate topping 10 percent, FamiliesUSA is urging Congress to extend …

House Committee Passes Federal Insurance Office Act

The U.S. House Financial Services Committee has passed a measure to create a scaled-back federal office that would be a national insurance information agency with some authority in the area of international insurance agreements. The new federal office would not …

Supreme Court to Decide Reach of Securities Law Outside U.S.

The Supreme Court said Monday it would decide when U.S. laws against securities fraud apply to transnational securities dealings, specifically involving a case about a shareholder lawsuit against National Australia Bank Ltd and its former U.S. mortgage unit. The justices …