Federal News

Mississippi Rep. Taylor Urges Obama to Reform Flood Insurance Program

Using President Obama’s visit to New Orleans this week as his backdrop, Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., again urged the Administration to reform the National Flood Insurance Program, including adding wind coverage to the national program. In an open letter to …

Two Madoff Victims Sue SEC

Two victims of Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Wednesday, seeking at least the $2.4 million they lost in the fraud. The victims, believed to be the first to sue the …

Obama Official Questions Need for Insurance Antitrust Exemption

There are “strong indications” that the justifications for the insurance industry’s limited antitrust exemption that existed in 1945, when McCarran-Ferguson was enacted, are no longer valid, an Obama administration official told Congress this week. However, the Department of Justice official …

Senate Panel Passes Healthcare Bill

A key U.S. Senate committee endorsed a sweeping healthcare overhaul Tuesday, gaining the support of an influential Republican and delivering President Barack Obama a victory on his top domestic priority. The Democratic-controlled Senate Finance Committee approved the measure on a …

Comparison of 2 Senate Committee Health Bills

Now that the Senate Finance Committee has approved its version of healthcare reform legislation, Senate Democratic leaders will merge it with a more liberal bill passed earlier by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Here is a comparison …

U.S. Issues Rules to Protect Patients’ Genetic Information

Individuals’ genetic information should have greater protections through new regulations that have been issued by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and the Treasury. The rules– which are interim pending further public comment– are designed to …

White House Blasts Health Insurers’ Report on Costs of Reform Bill

The White House Monday blasted a report from the health insurance industry that said Senate healthcare legislation would lead to increases in annual insurance premiums of as much as $4,000 by 2019. The report for the industry trade group America’s …

Senate Finance Panel to Vote Today on Healthcare Reform Bill

U.S. President Barack Obama’s push for healthcare reform gathered steam Thursday as a Senate panel scheduled a key vote and Democrats in the House of Representatives moved closer to hatching a bill. The Senate Finance Committee set a vote for …

Medical Lawsuit Curbs Would Save Billions, Congressional Study Finds

Limits on medical malpractice lawsuits would lead doctors to order up fewer unneeded tests and save taxpayers billions more than previously thought, budget umpires for Congress said in a reversal that puts the issue back in the middle of the …

Democrats’ Bill Would Reverse Supreme Court on Age Bias

Democrats in Congress are trying to counter another Supreme Court decision on employment discrimination, this time taking aim at a ruling that makes it harder for older workers to prove age bias. A measure introduced this week would effectively reverse …