Federal News

Motor Carriers Hit Over Safety; Are Insurance Limits Too Low?

A new analysis of government data reveals that more than 28,000 motor carrier companies that operate 200,000 trucks have violated federal safety regulations. The trial bar association, the American Association for Justice (AAJ), said it found commuters are sharing roads …

Bar Association Seeks Exemption for Lawyers from Identity Theft Rule

The American Bar Association is seeking to bar the Federal Trade Commission from applying its Red Flags Rule, designed to prevent identity theft, to practicing lawyers. An ABA suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia …

New Paper Evaluates Current State of Insurance Regulation and Its Future

The current state of the financial services industries and the role of the federal government in regulating these industries, including the insurance sector, continues to be a matter of debate in Congress. To help assess the current status of insurance …

Numbers Tell of Reconstruction of Mississippi Since Hurricane Katrina

August 29 will mark four years since Hurricane Katrina pummeled Mississippi. Since then, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in partnership with the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency and other state and local governments and organizations, has helped the state rebuild. …

Bailed Out Firms Making Compensation Subject to Government Approval

Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp. and AIG are forging new employment contracts that let them void compensation agreements if they are challenged by the U.S. government, according to a person familiar with some recent contracts. According to excerpts of …

Health Care Firms Must Notify Individuals If Data Is Breached

The federal government has issued new regulations requiring health care providers and health plans to notify individuals when their health information is breached. The rules, issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), cover any entity that …

Fatal Work Injuries Dropped 10% in 2008; Down 20% in Construction

A total of 5,071 fatal work injuries were recorded in the U.S. in 2008, down about 10 percent from a total of 5,657 fatal work injuries reported for 2007, according to preliminary government figures. Based on these preliminary counts, the …

‘Top Cop’ SEC Newly Aggressive in Attack on Wall Street Fraud

Wall Street’s top cop has a lot to prove and it’s been taking no prisoners. After enduring a thorough thrashing for its supervision of the now-defunct Bear Stearns and missing Bernard Madoff’s $65 billion fraud, the Securities and Exchange Commission …

Obama Signals Compromise on Public Health Option

The government-run health insurance option favored by President Barack Obama is not essential to a healthcare overhaul as long as the final measure boosts competition, a top U.S. health official said Sunday. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said …

U.S. Pay Czar Weighs ‘Claw Backs’ over Executive Compensation

Kenneth Feinberg, the Obama administration’s pay czar, said on Sunday he has broad and “binding” authority over executive compensation, including the ability to “claw back” money already paid, and he is weighing how and whether to use that power. Feinberg …