Federal News

AIG, 6 Other Bailed Out Firms to Report Executive Pay by Aug. 13

Seven financial and automotive companies that have received “exceptional” government aid face an Aug. 13 deadline to submit compensation plans to the U.S. Treasury Department’s executive pay czar, people familiar with the process said on Monday. Kenneth Feinberg, who has …

U.S. Senate May Drop Public Health Care Option

Lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol struggled to reach a health care deal Tuesday, with Senate Democrats near agreement with three Republicans on a plan that would not include a government-run insurance option backed by President Barack Obama. After …

Report Claims Public Option Would Not Drive Out Private Health Insurers

Democrats in the House pounced on a congressional budget analysis to bolster their plan for a government-run health insurance option Monday, as party leaders said they were closer to agreement on healthcare reform. The report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget …

Congress Urged to Raise Liability Standard for Credit Rating Firms

Congress must consider radical reforms to improve the accountability and reliability of credit rating agencies like Moody’s Corp. and McGraw-Hill Cos. Inc.’s Standard & Poor’s, a top U.S. lawmaker said Friday. Representative Paul Kanjorski, a senior Democrat on the House …

White House Still Sees Health Reform By Year’s End Despite Delays

Shrugging off delays in a divided Congress, President Barack Obama’s administration on Friday said a sweeping healthcare overhaul would still be approved by year’s end to control costs and expand coverage. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said the …

Securities Class Actions Decline; More Foreign Firms Targeted

Federal securities class action activity declined in the first half of 2009, with a particularly significant decline in the second quarter. According to Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse and Cornerstone Research, a total of 87 federal securities class …

Report: Federal Safety Agency Withheld Data on Dangers of Distracted Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gathered hundreds of pages of research and warnings about the hazards of drivers using cell phones, but withheld the information from the public in 2003 in part out of fear of angering Congress, The …

Obama Says Health Bills in Congress Are ‘Not Where They Need To Be’

President Barack Obama said Tuesday the healthcare overhaul plan working its way through the U.S. Congress needs more work amid signs his top policy initiative, already rejected by Republicans, was running into deeper trouble with his own Democrats. Obama was …

Travelers Insurance Urges Regional Zones, Federal Role for Wind Coverage

One of the nation’s largest insurers has unveiled a plan to shift the authority for regulating rates for hurricane wind coverage from state regulators to an independent federal commission. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and four state insurance commissioners heard Travelers …

Congress Warned Reforms Could Hike Health Care Costs ‘Significantly’

Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf told lawmakers Thursday legislation to expand health care coverage would increase federal healthcare costs “to a significant degree” and revenue will need to be found to keep from increasing the deficit. Asked by the …