Federal News

Supreme Court Firefighter Ruling Could Affect Other Hiring Programs

The U.S. Supreme Court overruled President Barack Obama’s high court nominee Sonia Sotomayor Monday in an important race discrimination case, but the White House remained confident she would be approved. The court’s 5-4 ruling held that the city of New …

U.S. House Panel to Bring Homeowners Insurance Crisis Hearing to Florida

A subcommitee of the U.S. House of Representatives that is looking into trouble spots in the country’s homeowner insurance market is coming to Florida in July. House Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Dennis Moore, D.-Kan., announced that …

Study Forecasts Deaths, Injuries After GM, Chrysler Bankruptcies

More than 3,400 Americans will be injured or killed by a defective Chrysler or General Motors vehicle during the first year of the car makers’ bankruptcies, according to a report by a consumer safety advocacy group. The report predicts that …

Surplus Lines, Reinsurance Streamlining Bills Introduced in Senate

Legislation aimed at streamlining and reducing barriers in state regulation of surplus lines insurance and reinsurance has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. The Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act (NRRA) of 2009, or S 1363, would create a uniform regulatory …

Congress Told New Consumer Agency Not Needed for P/C Insurance

There is no need for a federal consumer protection agency for property/casualty insurance products, state insurance regulators and insurers told Congress. In testimony before the House Committee of Financial Services on a proposed federal Consumer Financial Protection Agency, the industry …

Report: Public Option Added to Private Plans Could Slow Health Costs

A nationwide health insurance exchange that includes a Medicare-like government option could save $1.8 trillion more than if only private plans are offered, a prominent private U.S. health policy group said Wednesday. Federal spending on health-related costs would still rise …

Buffett: Economic Recovery to Take Time; Obama, Fed Taking Right Steps

Warren Buffett said Wednesday that the U.S. economy has “no bounce” and will take time to recover, but there is no risk of deflation to push it further into despair. Speaking on CNBC television, the world’s second-richest person also praised …

OSHA Voluntary Workplace Safety Program Needs Oversight, Says Study

A federal government workplace safety program that relies upon voluntary cooperation by employers needs stepped-up oversight to assure that only qualified companies participate and that safety problems found in workplaces are fixed. That’s according to a Congressional review of the …

Veterans Denied Damages from Government Computer Breach

Two Vietnam veterans are not entitled to damages from a 2007 Department of Veterans Affairs computer security breach in Birmingham, Ala., a federal appeals court panel in Georgia has ruled. Jim Henry Perkins and Jessie Frank Qualls had to prove …

House Divided Over Future of Insurance Regulation

House lawmakers are divided about how to supervise the insurance industry as Congress reviews the Obama administration’s blueprint for a broad overhaul of the nation’s financial rule book. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., chairman of a House Financial Services subcommittee, said …