Federal News

Rep. Frank: House Panel to Examine Federal Regulation Option for Insurance

A congressional panel will examine whether an optional federal charter for insurance companies is needed, the chairman of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee said Tuesday. The committee’s panel on insurance and capital markets is launching a series of hearings …

FDIC Head Favors Interagency Panel to Oversee Systemic Risk

The head of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp said Friday that she favors a council of regulators over one entity to oversee systemic risk in the financial system. “If there was a (interagency) council for systemic risk, that would …

Addressing Systemic Risk Without More Bureaucracy

America’s market-based economic system once created the largest economic engine in the world and gave this country one of the highest standards of living in history. However, that system now faces a credibility crisis of great proportions. The extraordinary and …

AIG’s Ex-CEO Greenberg Scheduled for House Committee Testimony

The chairman of a U.S. House oversight panel said Wednesday he will soon call the chief executive of American International Group Inc. to testify, amid the committee’s ongoing probe of the fall of the insurance giant. Democratic Rep. Edolphus Towns, …

Key U.S. Senators Agree on Patent Litigation Reform

Leaders of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday they had reached agreement on key elements of a bill to revise U.S. patent law. One of the changes would require judges hearing patent infringement cases to play a gatekeeper role …

AIG Ex-CEO Greenberg, Congress Spar Over Company Mess

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, former CEO of American International Group Inc. and creator of the AIG unit whose investments triggered the insurance giants’s near collapse, portrayed himself as a victim in testimony before a congressional panel Thursday. Some lawmakers questioned his …

Legislators Introduce National Insurance Consumer Protection Act

Two congressional leaders introduced legislation today that would create a federal regulator for insurance as an alternative to the current state-based regulatory structure currently in plan. Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Ill., and Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., introduced their bipartisan insurance regulation …

U.S. Mining Safety Officials Look to Reduce Number of Contested Cases

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has announced that settlement conferences held between mine operators and MSHA personnel to resolve enforcement disputes will be deferred until after civil penalties have been proposed and the operator …

Obama Plan Retains Their Insurance Role, Say State Regulators

According to National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) President and New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner Roger Sevigny, the most recent financial services regulatory proposal from the Obama Administration retains a role for state insurance commissioners. “We are encouraged by Treasury Secretary …

Obama Plan Would Tighten Regulation of Large Financial Firms

Wall Street faces curbs on risk taking and the prospect of lower profits under sweeping U.S. proposals to prevent a repeat of the credit crisis. The Obama administration’s plan to rewrite financial rules, announced Thursday, would create a single regulator …