Federal News

Clock is Ticking on Surplus Lines Tax Reform

The insurance industry called the passage of the Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act on July 21, 2010, a “big win” thanks to provisions in the massive reform bill that would modernize regulation and taxation issues for surplus lines. …

U.S. Judge Upholds Individual Mandate in Obama Healthcare Law

A U.S. judge Thursday upheld a key part of President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law that requires Americans to obtain coverage, rejecting a challenge by a conservative interest group. The Thomas More Law Center filed a lawsuit in Michigan the …

Treasury Says Unpopular TARP Bailouts Exceeded Expectations

Despite its enormous unpopularity among voters, the government’s Wall Street bailout plan succeeded much more quickly and at a lower cost than expected, a U.S. Treasury report released Tuesday said. “The Troubled Asset Relief Program has succeeded faster, and at …

Feds Say North, South Carolina Programs Weak on Workplace Safety

Workplace safety programs in North and South Carolina downplay serious safety problems and levy weak fines, according to an audit released by the U.S. Labor Department. The audit showed that both states impose weak penalties and have mishandled cases involving …

White House Slashes Bailout Cost Estimate After AIG Exit Deal

The U.S. financial bailout will cost less than $50 billion, the Obama administration said Thursday, slashing a prior estimate by more than half on the back of a new plan to sell the government’s stake in insurer American International Group. …

President Obama Signs 1-Year Flood Insurance Bill

It’s official: the federal flood insurance program will be around for at least one more year. President Obama yesterday signed into law S. 3814, the bill that will extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) until Sept. 30, 2011. Without …

Federal Regulators Taking New Steps to Identify Most Dangerous Mines

Federal regulators have implemented new measures for identifying the nation’s most dangerous mines, replacing what U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis had called a “badly broken” process. The Mine Health and Safety Administration said the screening criteria give the agency more …

AIG Announces Plan to Pay Back Taxpayers

American International Group Inc. (AIG) said it has come to an agreement with the Obama Administration on a plan to repay American taxpayers who bailed out the insurer in 2008. AIG said it will use proceeds from the sale of …

How Will TARP Bailout Plan Be Remembered?

It may have staved off a financial system meltdown, but the U.S. Treasury’s $700 billion bailout program is so reviled by the public that its distaste may rub off on incumbent Democrats in November elections. What goes into the history …

Court: Michigan Workers’ Comp Law Blocks Anti-Racketeering Suit

Michigan’s workers’ compensation law blocks employee lawsuits against employers brought under federal anti-racketeering law, a federal judge has ruled. Federal Judge Paul D. Boren for the second time has dismissed a suit brought by a group of employees at Cassens …