Federal News

Benmosche Shares How AIG Plans to Reimburse Taxpayers

American International Group Inc. and the U.S. government laid out a plan for the insurer to repay its $182.3 billion taxpayer bailout, just over two years after it was rescued from the brink of collapse. The deal, reached after AIG’s …

U.S. Expects Plan to End Government Ties to AIG By Next Week: Report

The Obama administration hopes to announce by next week a plan to end its support of insurance giant American International Group Inc., the New York Times reported Tuesday, quoting unnamed sources. That announcement would come ahead of the November 2 …

Help Wanted: U.S. Insurance Chief; Salary to $179K, Good Benefits; D.C. Office

The U.S. Treasury is looking for a Director of the Federal Insurance Office. The full-time job pays $119,554 to $179,700 per year depending on experience. Applications will be accepted from all qualified individuals until Oct. 20. Those are some of …

AIG Board to Meet Today to Weigh U.S. Exit Plan

American International Group Inc.’s board will meet later Wednesday to discuss a plan that would allow the U.S. Treasury to exit its investment in the bailed-out insurer, AIG Chairman Steve Miller said. Miller said that AIG was nearing a conclusion …

U.S. Regulator Says Global Derivatives Rules Will Be Similar

A top U.S. regulator said on Tuesday that transatlantic trading requirements for derivatives were likely to vary somewhwat but that the differences should be kept to a minimum. The United States has approved a reform of Wall Street which requires …

AIG, Government Move Closer to Deal on Bailout Exit

American International Group Inc. and the U.S. government are moving closer to a deal on how the Treasury Department would exit its investment in the bailed-out insurer, sources familiar with the situation said on Sunday. The situation, however, is still …

House Joins Senate in Extending Flood Insurance for 1 Year

The House of Representatives joined the Senate yesterday in approving a one-year reauthorization of the nation’s flood insurance program. The measure, S. 3814, will extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) until Sept. 30, 2011. The measure now goes to …

State Regulators Develop Rule on Health Insurers’ Medical Spending

U.S. health insurers should be able to exclude most federal taxes, but not all, in calculating spending rates to meet new healthcare law requirements, an insurance advisory group has proposed. Under a draft plan released Thursday, insurers would be allowed …

Congress Takes Aim at Cybersecurity Threats

Proposed cybersecurity legislation circulating on Capitol Hill would give the president the power to declare an emergency in the case of big online attacks and force some businesses to beef up their cyber defenses and submit to scrutiny. The draft …

House Expected to Go Along with 1 Year Flood Insurance Extension

Congress is on track to temporarily extend within days a troubled program that insures millions of U.S. homes and businesses against floods, with another push for a broad overhaul looking likely next year. The Senate on Tuesday approved an extension …