Feinberg News

Year Old Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Has Paid $5 Billion

The Gulf Coast Claims Facility set up to handle claims from the BP oil disaster has paid out $5 billion after one year of operation. It has paid 204,434 individual and business with a total of 359,441 claims. Established by …

Mississippi Sues BP Gulf Oil Claims Fund

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood filed a lawsuit Tuesday to force Kenneth Feinberg, administrator of BP’s $20 billion fund for Gulf Coast oil spill compensation, to release documents it says it needs to ensure claimants are adequately compensated. The complaint …

Mississippi AG Hood, Feinberg Spat Over BP Oil Spill Claims

The administrator of BP’s $20 billion oil spill fund says Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood could undermine the claims process by urging a court to intervene and by making allegations that border on defamation. Hood called those statements, made this …

Florida CFO Atwater Seeks Claimants’ Feedback on BP Oil Claims

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater is asking the state’s business community and BP oil spill claimants for their input regarding the claims handling process of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. Specifically, Atwater wants to hear suggestions or concerns about …

Claims Chief Feinberg Says Gulf to Recover from BP Oil Spill by 2012

The Gulf of Mexico should recover from the massive BP oil spill by the end of 2012, the administrator of the $20 billion victims compensation fund said. By that time, most of the harmful effect of the worst offshore oil …

Judge Finds Claims Fund Chief Feinberg Not Independent of BP

The administrator of BP Plc’s $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the Gulf oil spill is not independent and the oil company must refrain from calling him “neutral,” a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. Judge Carl Barbier also ruled …

91,000 Gulf Oil Spill Claimants, BP Partner Gets Only Final Payment

BP’s compensation fund for Gulf oil spill victims has issued a final settlement payment to just one of the thousands of people and businesses waiting for checks, records show, and that $10 million payout went to a company after the …

Mississippi AG Asks Court to Intervene in BP Oil Spill Claims Fund

U.S. courts must compel the administrator of BP’s $20 billion oil spill fund to meet his legal obligations and stop short-changing victims of the Gulf of Mexico disaster, Mississippi said on Tuesday. Until now, ‘sweeping deficiencies and violations of law” …

Mississippi AG Wants Judge to Take Over BP Oil Spill Claims

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood is asking for the federal judge in charge of the litigation surrounding the BP oil spill to take over the Gulf Coast Claims Facility process. Hood filed a “Statement of Interest on Behalf of the …

Florida Officials Press for Improved BP Claims Administration

Florida’s attorney general said this week that she wants more responsiveness from the administrator handling a $20 billion Gulf oil spill claims fund. Republican Pam Bondi told journalists at The Associated Press’ annual legislative meeting that eliminating delays in responses …