Financial Stability Oversight Council News

MetLife to Sell Banking Unit to Avoid ‘Too Big To Fail’ Regulation

MetLife, the largest life insurance company in the United States, has put its banking operations up for sale to avoid the “too big to fail” regulatory scrutiny that analysts have said was likely. MetLife said Thursday it may sell MetLife …

Oversight Council to Take More Time Identifying Systemic Risk Firms

The U.S. risk council will give the public more time to comment on the criteria for picking so-called “systemic” financial firms, after lawmakers scolded the new council for being opaque on the process. U.S. bank regulator John Walsh said the …

Treasury Defends Dodd-Frank Reforms; Promises Insurance Expert Soon

The Obama administration fired a fresh salvo at Wall Street Tuesday, telling critics of the U.S. financial reform law to knock off their attacks. “We will continue to oppose efforts to slow down, weaken, or repeal these essential reforms,” Deputy …

U.S. Oversight Council Urged to Be More Transparent

The U.S. risk council is hiding documents and needs to be more transparent in how it chooses which insurers and other major non-bank financial firms pose a risk to the financial system, lawmakers said on Thursday. Among the key decisions …

Insurers Seek Delay in Financial Rules Until Insurance Posts Filled

The insurance industry is asking the Obama Administration to slow down on rules for deciding whether insurers and other nonbank financial companies should be subject to extra scrutiny because they pose a systemic risk to the country’s financial stability. The …

U.S. Lays Out Factors to Designate Risky Firms

U.S. regulators proposed using six different factors Tuesday to help them gauge when a non-bank financial firm poses risks to the system and merits additional oversight. The Financial Stability Oversight Council agreed in a unanimous vote to open a 30-day …