Financial News

P/C Insurers Return to Profitability in Q1 With $8.9B in Net Income

The property/casualty industry returned to profitability in the first quarter of 2010 despite continuing declines in both written premiums and earned premiums. Private U.S. property/casualty insurers’ net income after taxes swung to positive $8.9 billion in first-quarter 2010 from negative …

UK Regulatory Consultant Analyzes Financial Services Regime Change

The UK’s new Chancellor (Finance Minister) George Osborne has announced plans to fundamentally reform the way financial services, including insurance, are to be regulated [See IJ web site –]. Essentially, Osborne’s government plans to dismantle the current tripartite regulatory …

FSA Chairman Comments on UK Gov’ts Plans for Regulatory Reform

A bulletin from the UK’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) indicates that its Chairman, Lord Turner, has “welcomed the changes to financial regulation outlined by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his Mansion House speech this evening, and Hector Sants’ [the …

EU Leaders Meet to Work on Ways to Prevent New Debt Crises

European Union leaders hope to agree on ways to strengthen budget discipline and economic policy coordination on Thursday to show financial markets they can prevent a repeat of the euro zone debt crisis. Leaders of the 27 member states and …

Progressive Sees Increase in Cat Losses in May

Progressive Insurance has reported 5 percent increases in both net premiums written and earned in May 2010 compared with May 2009, but net income dropped by 19 percent in May 2010 compared with the same month in the previous year. …

UK Finance Minister to Propose New Regulatory Scheme

The UK’s new Finance Minister, George Osborne, looks set to announce on Wednesday sweeping new powers for the Bank of England to police the financial sector and prevent another credit crisis. In his first “Mansion House” speech to the City …

Swiss Re Sees Growth, Capital Concerns; Chile Quake Loss Now $630 Million

Swiss Re is hosting an “Investors Day” Conference in London focused on the current state of the reinsurance market, its future prospects and the potential reguylatory changes affecting capital. The reinsurer said it expects the growth outlook for the reinsurance …

Insurers Worry EU Could Extend Bank Levy to Other Financial Firms

The European Union could extend a planned levy beyond banks to other financial services firms, according to a report outlining the bloc’s message to G20 leaders who meet soon to tackle reform of the industry. The statement is likely to …

G20 Finance Ministers Don’t Even Try to ‘Spin’ Impact of Europe’s Debt Crisis

Finance ministers can usually be relied upon to put the best spin on whatever is happening to the global economy. Not at this weekend’s Group of 20 meeting in Busan. The two days of talks were remarkable for ministers’ candor …

P/C Trade Groups Join GNAIE in Opposing Unitary Accounting Standard

The Group of North American Insurance Enterprises (GNAIE), an association representing the Chief Financial Officers of major life insurance companies in Bermuda, Canada, and the United States, has joined with four other insurance industry trade associations based in North and …