fire risk News

Texas Among States Facing New Fire Risks: Weather Watch

More than 2.5 million people in the US face critical fire weather conditions on Monday as dry winds sweep parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, which had the largest fire in the state’s history earlier this year. …

Texas, Oklahoma Areas Face New Extreme Fire Risks: Weather Watch

Red flag fire warnings are up across the Texas Panhandle, as well as parts of New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kansas, the National Weather Service said. While critical fire conditions exist in a wide swath of that area, the region around …

Southerners Rekindling ‘Fire Culture’ to Boost Longleaf Pine Range

WEST END, N.C. (AP) — Jesse Wimberley burns the woods with neighbors. Using new tools to revive an old communal tradition, they set fire to wiregrasses and forest debris with a drip torch, corralling embers with leaf blowers. Wimberley, 65, …

Viewpoint: A New Risk Landscape Emerges for Global Maritime Industry

Executive Summary: The International Group of P&I Clubs offers a unique lens into the intricate web of maritime risk that influences both the insurance sector and the maritime industry globally. From this perspective, one thing is abundantly clear: A “new …

Update: Burning Car Carrier Off Dutch Coast Towed Away From Shipping Lanes

A burning car carrier off the Dutch coast has been towed to a new location away from shipping lanes as part of an operation to salvage the ship, the Dutch public works and water management ministry and local media said …

Ship Carrying BMWs and Mercedes Ablaze Off Dutch Coast Could Burn for Days

A cargo ship carrying almost 3,800 cars and construction vehicles is likely to continue burning for days, according to the Dutch coast guard, which is leading efforts to contain the blaze. BMW AG and Mercedes-Benz Group AG each have several …

Heat Wave Baking Southwest Brings Triple Digit Temperatures and Fire Risk to California

After a historically wet winter and a cloudy spring, California`s summer was in full swing Thursday as a heat wave that`s been scorching much of the U.S. Southwest brings triple digit temperatures and an increased risk of wildfires. Blistering conditions …

Lawmakers Warn Leaky, Crumbling UK Parliament at Risk of ‘Catastrophic’ Event

Britain’s Parliament building is an architectural masterpiece, a UNESCO World Heritage Site visited by 1 million people a year. It’s also a crumbling, leaky, asbestos-riddled structure at “real and rising” risk of destruction, lawmakers said Wednesday. In a hair-raising report, …

NOAA Says Tennessee Drought Management Plan Lacks Specifics

Drought affects everything from water quality and public health to ecosystems and infrastructure. But when does a drought become severe enough to warrant water restrictions? Tennessee state agencies do not have that answer, according to a new report funded by …

Fire a Growing Risk to Shipping Because of Lithium-ion Batteries, Allianz Says

Fire has always been a peril for shipping, but the advent of lithium-ion batteries has elevated the risk to the point that it now is the most expensive cause of loss for the industry, according to a new bulletin issued …