First Street Foundation News

Flooding Drives Millions to Move as Climate Migration Patterns Emerge

Flooding is driving millions of people to move out of their homes, limiting growth in some prospering communities and accelerating the decline of others, according to a new study that details how climate change and flooding are transforming where Americans …

More Than 17 Million Properties Face Substantial Flood Risk: Study

More than half of the U.S. population resides in a county that is likely to experience stormwater system failure due to flooding from heavy rainfall events, according to a new report published by First Street Foundation. Another 17.7 million properties …

Hurricanes Moving Farther North to Pummel Millions More Homes in US

Is it possible to predict exactly where the wind will blow? How about where it will blow 30 years from now? The First Street Foundation, a nonprofit that works to define and communicate risks posed by climate change, says it …

Much of the Country to Bake Under 125-Degree Days in Coming Decades, Report Finds

In just 30 years, more than a quarter of the United States, including a large patch of the Upper Midwest, will face days with temperatures above 125 degrees and will see almost three times as many days above 103 degrees, …

Businesses Can Expect to Spend $13.5 Billion on Repairs Due to Flooding in 2022

A new report estimates that U.S. businesses could spend about $13.5 billion in 2022 to repair or replace flood-damaged commercial buildings. The same report finds that businesses could lose more than 3.1 million days of operation from flooding next year. …

Ida’s Inland Path May Reveal Hidden Risk, Test Mapping Methods of Hurricane Floods

With remnants of Ida delivering downpours and fierce winds from North Carolina to New Jersey, U.S. government methods for assessing flood risks may be put to the test this week. While coastal communities would seem to have the biggest risk …

Study: Floridians in Flood Zones Underpaying for Flood Insurance by Average of 379%

If you live in Florida, you should probably be paying more for flood insurance. And you likely will be soon. That first finding is the conclusion of a new analysis by First Street Foundation, a nonprofit research group focused on …

Federal Flood Insurance Premiums Far From Keeping Up With Expected Losses

If the nearly 4.3 million residential homes (1-4 units) across the country with substantial flood risk were to be insured through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the NFIP rates would need to increase 4.5 times to cover the risk …

Study: Indiana City Has Many More Flood-Prone Properties than FEMA Maps Show

A northern Indiana city that sits along the Wabash River is home to thousands more flood-prone homes and properties than are listed on federal floodplain maps, new research shows. The study by the First Street Foundation, a nonprofit research and …

Nonprofit Opening Flood Risk Model to Researchers and Public

A nonprofit flood risk research organization is offering the first publicly available flood risk model that predicts the probability of flooding for homes and properties across the United States. Brooklyn, N.Y.-based First Street Foundation has launched Flood Lab, a research …