Fitch Ratings News

Formation of More ‘Class of 2020’ Reinsurers Unlikely

The Class of 2020 already has a new member, but it’s not a true startup, the chair of the company said recently. Speaking at the KBW Insurance Conference in early September, Sid Sankaran, chair of Third Point Re, was referring …

What to Expect in 2021: Reinsurance Market Moving From ‘Timid’ to ‘Hard’

Speaking at one of the many virtual conferences that took place in early September, Dan Malloy, chief executive officer of Bermuda-based Third Point Reinsurance, offered an anecdotal view of the reinsurance market from a broker he knows. “It isn’t a …

Fitch’s Reinsurance Outlook Remains Negative, Despite Entry into Hard Market Phase

Fitch Ratings said yesterday its ratings outlook for companies in the global reinsurance sector will continue to remain negative as a result of hefty coronavirus claims and low interest rates. The good news for companies, however, is that the market …

Natural Catastrophe Claims Cost Insurers More Than Coronavirus in First Half: Fitch

COVID-19-related claims were not the biggest driver of the North American property/casualty insurance industry’s overall combined ratio during the first six months of 2020. Natural catastrophes cost insurers more, Fitch Ratings concluded in its latest report. Pandemic-related claims increased the …

Pandemic Boosted Personal Auto Insurers’ Profits in the Short-Term

As bad as the coronavirus pandemic has been for many insurance lines, personal automobile profits have soared thanks to reduced driving, as quarantines and shelter-at-home restrictions took hold across the United States earlier in 2020, Fitch Ratings said. “Commercial [insurance/reinsurance] …

Pandemic-Hit Re/insurers Expect a Costly Hurricane Season – and Rates Are Rising

The official start of the Atlantic hurricane season on Monday could signal more steep losses for insurers and reinsurers, already battered by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their underwriting and investment positions. However, recent years of hefty damage …

Reinsurers Will Fail to Earn Cost of Capital in 2020, Leading to More Rate Hikes: Fitch

Global reinsurers will fail to earn its cost of capital in 2020 amid the coronavirus crisis, which will help maintain price increases for the sector during the year ahead, said Fitch Ratings. Financial performance will be hit by mortality claims …

Fitch Sees Little Stress on Insurer Ratings From Pandemic. Thus Far.

Having reviewed 70% of all of the North American insurers it rates for the effects of the coronavirus and economic downturn, Fitch Ratings has affirmed the ratings of 72% of the carriers with stable outlooks. Only 4% have been downgraded. …

For Global Insurers, Pandemic Likely to Erase Profits Until 2021 Second Half: Fitch

While insurance rates have risen for nine consecutive quarters due to large catastrophe losses and accelerating claims inflation, Fitch Ratings expects that technical profits won’t be seen until the second half of 2021 as a result of the effects of …

New Business Interruption Insurance Poses Risks to Chinese Insurers, Says Fitch

At the direction of the Chinese government, domestic insurers started selling business interruption insurance to cover Chinese enterprises against disruptions from the coronavirus outbreak, which may have unintended consequences. Fitch Ratings cautions that the move could pose risks to the …