flight 447 News

Equipment Failure, Training, Inspection Flaws at Fault for Rio-Paris Crash

Pilot error, defective sensors, inadequate training and insufficient oversight combined to send an Air France passenger plane plunging into the south Atlantic in 2009 in the airline’s worst disaster, French investigators said on Thursday. The final report on the Rio-Paris …

Air France Crash Investigators to Open Black Boxes

Relatives of some of the 228 people killed in a Rio-Paris jet crash voiced hope on Thursday that their two-year wait for an explanation may soon be over as experts prepared to open the aircraft’s “black box” recorders. Investigators into …

Airbus Placed Under Investigation over Rio-Paris Crash

European airplane manufacturer Airbus was placed under investigation on Thursday for the 2009 crash of a flight between Rio de Janeiro and Paris that killed 228 people, Airbus Chief Executive Thomas Enders said. Investigators are trying to establish why the …