flood insurance delay News

House Passes Flood Insurance Bill; Key Senators Sign On

The U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday evening passed legislation to curb some of the premium increases in the nation’s flood insurance program that have been causing “sticker shock” for property owners. H.R. 3370, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, sponsored …

House Republicans Release Flood Insurance Relief Bill

House GOP leaders last week put the final touches on legislation that would significantly water down a recently enacted overhaul of the much criticized federal flood insurance program, easing many premium increases and allowing below-market rates to be passed on …

Cities Lobby for Halt to Flood Insurance Increases; House Vote Blocked

Yesterday the National League of Cities joined the Florida League of Cities, Florida Association of Counties and others in meetings with White House officials and members of Congress to urge a halt to flood insurance premium increases prompted by a …

Key House Republicans Oppose Delaying Flood Insurance Increases

The effort to delay huge increases in insurance premiums for homeowners in flood-prone areas faces a skeptical House chairman who is largely standing behind the changes Congress oversaw in the nation’s flood insurance program less than two years ago. Rep. …

Mass. Rep. Keating Urges House Approval of Flood Insurance Bill

U.S. Rep. William Keating, D-Mass., is calling for swift passage of a flood insurance bill in the House that would give hundreds of thousands of homeowners a reprieve from higher flood insurance premiums. The Democrat said there’s no reason why …

White House Balks at Flood Insurance Delay, Agent Licensing Bill

The Obama Administration has problems with the Senate bill that would delay flood insurance premium increases and create an agent licensing registry. The bill, S.1926, was cleared for debate on a procedural vote, 86-13, Monday evening. It has more than …

Senate Takes First Step on Flood Insurance, Agent Licensing Bill

The Senate voted 86-13 early Monday evening to proceed with debate on a bill to both delay some flood insurance premium increases and establish an optional national registry for insurance agent and broker licensing. That procedural vote means there could …

Key Flood and Crop Insurance Votes Could Come This Week

This week could see important Senate votes on a bill on the federal flood insurance program that is linked with an agent and broker licensing measure, as well House approval of a farm bill that includes crop insurance and food …

How to Encourage Private Flood Insurance; Why Delaying Biggert-Waters Is Not the Answer

New technologies and a better understanding of flood risk may have increased private insurers’ interest in providing flood insurance but real obstacles remain to the private sector getting involved. The obstacles include political and consumer resistance to full cost-based pricing …