Flood Insurance News

Nationwide Insurance Pushes to Include Flood Coverage in Home Policies

One of the nation’s largest insurance companies is lobbying Congress for permission to sell policies that cover damage from both wind and flood water, a plan billed as a way for insurers and homeowners to avoid costly litigation after disasters …

Officials Say Wisconsin Dells’ Lake Delton to be Restored by Next Spring

The Lake Delton village board says the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will handle repairs to the breach in the community’s empty lake and adjacent highway with the hope of restoring the lake by next spring. Lake Delton is part of …

Insurance Services Office: Iowa’s Storm Damage Reaches $235 Million

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently released estimated damages for Iowa since it was hit in May by devasting tornadoes and widespread flooding. ISO estimates that tornadoes and floods that have struck Iowa since May 25 have caused $235 million …

FEMA Rescinds New Flood Maps for D.C.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has rescinded maps declaring a large swath of downtown Washington and the National Mall a flood zone after city officials pledged to have a stronger levee system in place by late next year. The new …

Flood Damage Not Limited to ‘Flood Zones’

“I don’t need flood insurance; I’m not in a ‘flood zone.’” Or, “I don’t need flood insurance because my mortgage company said I don’t need it.” These statements are made more often than any insurance professional would like to admit; …

S&P: Pros And Cons of a U.S. Federal Natural Catastrophe Backstop

Because of a natural catastrophe’s high cost to society, some believe that the U.S. federal government should provide a program to backstop losses for natural catastrophes, said an article published by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. In the current market, …

Many Wisconsin Communities Dropped Federal Flood Insurance

About 50 Wisconsin communities, including flood-damaged Lake Delton and La Valle near the Wisconsin Dells resort area, have dropped out of the federal flood insurance program, making residents ineligible for federal aid, state and federal officials said. Residents in communities …

Many Homeowners in Flooded Midwest Lack Insurance

Recent flooding that swamped parts of the Midwest, including Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa, caught many property owners unprotected. Only 1 percent of all Indiana homeowners have flood insurance. Wisconsin reports even less than that. People generally pass on federally backed …

Survey: Despite Need Only 17% of Americans Have Flood Insurance

Record widespread flooding across the Midwest has once again highlighted the catastrophic damages that flooding can cause. Yet a survey conducted for the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) reveals that only 17 percent of Americans have a flood insurance policy. The …

Indiana Flood Victims Scrape Out Homes, Consider Recovery Plans

DeWayne Warrick had built a waist-high pile of ruined chairs, couch cushions and other furniture on the curb outside his home. He topped it with a sizable collection of stuffed animals and a pink Dora the Explorer miniature chair that …