Flood Insurance News

The Lowdown: Top Private Flood Carriers, High Tides, Storm Surges & More

As I watch the daily tracking of Hurricane Florence and anticipate its potential destruction, I am compelled to revisit this June blog post and share it with you once again. In the words of Peter Criss, “I can’t stop the …

One Year Post-Harvey, Recovery Toughest for the Poor

Shirley Paley’s life before Hurricane Harvey was already a struggle: The 61-year-old former postal worker was raising her 17-year-old autistic grandson while dealing with a workplace injury that left her legally blind, on disability and in need of three cornea …

How About a Real NFIP Renewal for Once

I wanted to write something this week about some piece of policy minutia. I had about 500 words written when I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. So, I set that aside and gave in to what was really …

PCI: Majority of Texans Not Prepared for Hurricane Season

A large majority of Texas residents are not taking necessary steps to protect their property this hurricane season despite the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, according to a new poll conducted online by SurveyMonkey on behalf of the Property Casualty Insurers …

Flood Insurance Uptake Rates Rise in Texas Following Harvey

Little more than two months before Hurricane Harvey slammed the Gulf Coast of Texas, Alberto Castaneda let his home’s flood insurance lapse. He had never filed a claim on the policy in 10 years and he needed the extra cash …

Flood Model Development Helps Hiscox Re & ILS Enter U.S. Flood Protection Market

Less than 12 percent of U.S. homeowners have a flood insurance policy, despite the fact that flooding is the country’s most common natural disaster, said Katy Sivyer, underwriter for North America and the Caribbean at Hiscox Re & ILS, in …

U.S. Flood Models Still in Infancy, So Underwriters Must Be ‘Cautious Consumers’

The market for privately written inland flood insurance in the United States is growing rapidly, but flood modeling is still in its infancy. As a result, underwriters need to be aware of the differences that exist among commercial flood models, …

One Man’s Solution After Harvey’s Floods? Build His Own Levee.

After Hurricane Harvey inundated David Bush’s Richmond, Texas, home with 20 inches of rain, he knew he wanted to rebuild but was worried about how his property could be protected from the next big storm. So, Bush came up with …

New Nebraska Lake Expected to Reduce Flood Plain, Lower Insurance Rates

A Nebraska Natural Resources District is opening Omaha’s newest park and lake after spending nine years developing the $44 million project. The Omaha World-Herald reports that the Papio-Missouri River district will open Flanagan Lake on Wednesday. The area also includes …

Body Found of Man Who Disappeared Amid Maryland Flooding

Searchers scouring a river alongside an historic Maryland town ripped apart by flash flooding found the body of a man last seen being swept away by the raging waters as it gutted shops and pushed parked cars into swollen tributaries. …