Flood Insurance News

Meteorology: It’s Not ‘Rocket Science;’ It’s a Lot More Complicated

Everyone’s heard the shibboleth “It’s not rocket science.” This implies that whatever “it” may be it’s easier than flying a rocket. In fact Robert Goddard fired off the first real rocket in 1926. Today rockets are an integral part of …

Levees Protect Some of Nation’s Key Economic Areas

Flooding Control Costs Are Outweighed by Regional Economic Benefits, Study Finds There are hundreds of levees across the U.S. — from Miami to Los Angeles and Detroit to New Orleans- that protect vulnerable areas and tens of millions of people …

It Figures

$12 Billion Hurricane Ike, which struck Galveston on Sept. 13, 2008, is so far the costliest weather catastrophe in Texas history, racking up nearly $12 billion in windstorm and flood insurance claims. Windstorm claims in Texas resulting from Ike totaled …

Mississippi Homeowners Learning How Credit Score Affects Insurance Premium

Mississippi Gulf Coast policyholders are well aware a hurricane is guaranteed to hike insurance rates, but fewer realize their credit reports also are factored into homeowner and automobile insurance premiums. Consumers who have suffered financial setbacks because of the economy …

Willis Sees Premium Rates Softening for Mining Industry in 2010

“Rates for Mining Property Damage & Business Interruption (PD/BI) insurance are likely to soften in 2010, but could harden again should this volatile sector experience a catastrophic loss, according to the latest Mining Market Review from Willis Group Holdings. Willis …

Report: Economic Benefits of Levees Outweigh Flooding Costs

Despite the massive flooding resulting from levee breaches and storm surge during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the economic benefits provided by flood control measures in Southeast Louisiana far outweigh the costs of widespread damage from flooding, according to one researcher. …

More Upstate New York Properties at Risk in Floods

Federal officials say that about 6,500 more properties in Broome Count, New York than originally believed are vulnerable to floods like one that devastated parts of the region in 2006. Updated flood maps released Thursday by the Federal Emergency Management …

Hurricane Ike Claims Total Nearly $12B in Texas

Hurricane Ike, which struck Galveston on Sept. 13, 2008, has proved to be the costliest weather catastrophe in Texas history by a large margin. The storm racked up nearly $12 billion in windstorm and flood insurance claims in the state. …

Midwest Cities Say New FEMA Flood Maps Are Full of Errors

More than a year and a half after a massive flood left a huge swath of eastern Iowa underwater, the tiny farming community of Oakville is clinging to survival. Many of the town’s 400-or-so residents moved on after the June …

Counties with Levees Are Some of the Nation’s Most Economically Sound, Report Says

Hundreds of levees around the United States protect vulnerable areas and tens of millions of people from potentially devastating floods. Yet hardly anyone gives them a second thought until one is breached. The most glaring example is the wreckage that …