flood mitigation News

Study: Every $1 Spent on Buying Flood Lands Could Save U.S. $5 in Future Damages

Which would cost American taxpayers more: Paying now to protect undeveloped areas that are likely to flood in the coming decades, or allowing development to proceed based on current projections and paying for subsequent flood damages when they inevitably occur? …

Believers in Climate Change No More Likely to Mitigate Than Non-Believers

Believing in climate change has no effect on whether coastal homeowners are protecting their homes from climate change-related hazards, according to a new study from the University of Notre Dame. Funded by Notre Dame’s Global Adaptation Initiative, the study analyzed …

FEMA Awards $2.7M to Orange County, Texas, for Flood Damage Project

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded more than $2.7 million to Orange County through the Texas Division of Emergency Management to fund a project to acquire and demolish 20 structures impacted by flooding from Hurricane Harvey that may …

Post-Harvey Flood Mitigation Effort Ongoing in Dickinson, Texas

Crews are working to unclog tributaries and bayous snaking through Dickinson to reduce the risk of flooding nearly two years after Hurricane Harvey caused significant damage to the Houston suburb. The August 2017 storm dumped about 50 inches of rain …

After Flooding, Davenport, Iowa, Now Mulling Mississippi River Wall

Hundreds of communities line the Mississippi River on its 2,348-mile journey to the Gulf of Mexico, but Davenport, Iowa, stands out for the simple reason that people there can actually dip their toes in the river without scaling a flood …

Washington D.C. Plans to Confront Climate Change by Retrofitting Flood-Prone Buildings

Washington is announcing a goal of retrofitting or removing all of its flood-prone buildings by 2050, the first major U.S. city to set such a policy. The proposal is part of a broader plan to protect Washington, which is home …

Municipalities Try to Reassure Investors on Climate Risks in Bond Offerings

When Miami Beach borrowed $162 million from Wall Street this week, it wanted investors to know rising seas and extreme weather are a real risk to the city and that it’s doing something about it. An increasing number of states …

NYC Mayor Proposes $10B Plan to Flood-Proof Manhattan as Climate Risk Grows

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a $10 billion plan to push out the lower Manhattan coastline as much as 500 feet, or two city blocks, to protect from flooding that’s expected to become more frequent as global temperatures …

Critics Say Bond Rating Agencies Ignore Municipalities’ Climate Risk

Last fall, after a trio of deadly hurricanes, ratings companies warned vulnerable coastal cities to get ready for climate change — or face higher borrowing costs on the $3.9 trillion municipal bond market. Climate advocates cheered, hoping the prospect of …

New Jersey Shore Towns Challenge Sand Dunes Plan as Storms Gather

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s warning of Hurricane Sandy-like destruction of the shore will be tested as the worst storm season in three years approaches and beachfront homeowners delay his building protective dunes along all 127 miles of the state’s …