flood zones News

FEMA Likely to Expand Flood Zones Along N.J. Coast in Wake of Sandy

The federal government is poised to expand flood zones and push for increases in building elevations along the New Jersey coast in the wake of flooding from Hurricane Sandy. The Federal Emergency Management Agency was planning to revise flood-elevation rules …

More Fargo, North Dakota Properties Might Need Flood Insurance

Several thousand property owners in North Dakota’s largest city could fall under federal flood insurance requirements based on a preliminary new flood plain map for Fargo. About 500 structures are affected by the current flood plain. Under the Federal Emergency …

FEMA to Give Partial Credit for Substandard Levees in Drawing Flood Zones

A levee isn’t perfect, but it exists and that should count for something when deciding if a property is at risk for flooding. That’s the position of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a new proposal that would break from …