flooded homes News

Zoning Changes Post-Harvey a Concern for Some Texas Homeowners

Some Southeast Texas homeowners have raised concerns about houses in neighborhoods flooded by Hurricane Harvey being changed from residential to commercial zones. Several displaced residents in Dickinson worry that businesses will buy flood-damaged homes and absorb older neighborhoods, The Galveston …

Experts Say Mass Katrina-Like ‘Exodus’ not Expected After Louisiana Flood

Experts studying demographics and data following south Louisiana’s great flood of 2016 tell a newspaper they don’t expect a mass exodus of people from the area, such as the one that followed Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Allison Plyer, executive director …

Water Starting to Recede from Homes in North Louisiana

Emergency officials in Louisiana and Mississippi were watching the rise of the Pearl River that divides the two states on March 14 amid widespread flooding that has damaged thousands of homes. In north Louisiana, the water has started to recede …

Austin to Buy Out 300 More Storm-Flooded Homes

Leaders of a Central Texas city have approved a $3.5 billion annual budget that includes buying out about 300 more homes in flood-prone areas. The Austin City Council on Tuesday approved next year’s budget and spending $78 million for residences …