flooding and landslides News

Typhoon Matmo Spares Taiwan from Major Damage; Moves to China: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Typhoon Matmo, the third typhoon in the western Pacific Basin in less than three weeks, “made landfall in Taiwan around midnight, local time, Tuesday night with winds over 160 km/h [100 mph] and …

Typhoon Rammasun Poised to Strike Hainan Province in China: AIR

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, after striking the Philippines with high winds and floods, “a strengthening Typhoon Rammasun is set to make landfall in China between 6 and 12 UTC on July 18, 2014, as a strong tropical …

Typhoon Neoguri to Skirt Okinawa; Nears Kyushu Landfall: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, at about 6:30 am local time today, Typhoon Neoguriโ€”the strongest typhoon to date in 2014โ€”is “roaring toward Japan with sustained winds of 180 km/hr [112 mph] and gusts above 250 km/h [155 mph].” …