flooding News

U.S. Senate Passes Bill with Kansas River Levee Funding

The U.S. Senate has approved a bill that includes funding aimed at improving Topeka’s levee system along the Kansas River. The bill approved in the Senate would provide about $15.7 million in federal matching funds for Topeka to correct problems …

Record Rain Leading to Flooding in North Dakota

Heavy rains that have been falling since late last week have led to flooding in North Dakota that has forced some residents from their homes and threatened a dam. Water from a creek and water that is moving overland flooded …

Tornadoes Prompt State of Emergency Declaration in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has declared a state of emergency after tornadoes, severe storms, straight-line winds and flooding wrought devastation throughout her state on May 18 and 19. Beginning on Saturday, numerous Oklahoma counties were hit with tornadoes, straight-line winds, …

2012 Indianapolis Flooding Becomes Costly for City

The city of Indianapolis faces possibly paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a restaurant badly damaged by flooding during a downpour a year ago. City officials found that inspectors failed to properly activate an electronic locking system on a …

Officials Say Costs from North Dakota Flooding Adding Up

Although spring flooding in North Dakota wasn’t as bad advertised in some areas, officials who are totaling the damages say the costs are piling up. The question is whether the final figure will impress the federal government. Federal, state and …

Flooding Damage Tops $2.5M in Tipton, Indiana

The mayor of the central Indiana city of Tipton says recent flooding has caused more than $2.5 million in property damage and a loss of as much as 10 percent in its property tax base. Mayor Don Havens says in …

Weather Service Drops Fargo, North Dakota Flood Prediction Again

A Red River flood that a week ago was predicted to challenge the record is now unlikely to reach the 100,000-plus sandbags and the miles of clay levees built for defense, Fargo, N.D., officials said on April 29. The National …

Court Cuts Corps Back Out of New Orleans’ 17th St Canal Lawsuit

A federal appeals court ruling has added a new twist to a complicated legal property rights case along a canal that was breached during Hurricane Katrina, contributing to the floods over most of New Orleans. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court …

Red River Crests Lower than Expected in North Dakota

Fargo, N.D., officials made one last call for sandbaggers on April 27 to help residents in a southwest Fargo neighborhood that’s a mile away from the rising Red River but needs protection from a nearby coulee. The final preparations came …

Cautious Relief in Peoria, Illinois as Water Levels Fall

Floodwaters began a slow, inch-by-inch retreat on April 24 in inundated Peoria, Ill., offering hope to residents who watched helplessly as the Illinois River reached a 70-year high and swamped their homes and businesses. In downtown Peoria, tens of thousands …