flooding News

Sandbagging Underway in Fargo, North Dakota-Area Subdivisions

The flood fight is kicking into high gear in southeastern North Dakota, where residents are preparing for what could be the fourth major flood in five years. The National Weather Service has warned residents in Fargo and Cass County to …

More Rain, Snow Could Lead to More Flooding in Midwest

The Mississippi River is topping out at some problematic spots and there is growing concern that spring floods are far from over. The good news is that most businesses and homes are high and dry, though hundreds of acres of …

Louisiana Will Chip in on Bayou Pointe-aux-Chenes Floodgate Cost

State officials in Louisiana have approved a grant that will pay for 50 percent of the cost of a new floodgate to be built on Bayou Pointe-aux-Chenes. The Courier reports the barge floodgate will be 56 feet wide and 18 …

Rain Prompts Flood Worries in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa

The Mississippi River, so low for much of the winter that barge traffic was nearly halted, could reach up to 10 feet above flood stage by the middle of next week in parts of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, National Weather …

Iowa Lawmakers Say State Could Pay for Flooded Homes

Some lawmakers say a bill recently passed by the Legislature could leave taxpayers vulnerable if future flooding damages homes surrounding a lake in eastern Iowa. The measure exempts Lake Delhi along the Maquoketa River from a requirement that owners of …

Mixed Bag of Drought, Flooding and Warm Weather Predicted for Spring

In its three-month U.S. Spring Outlook, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration states that odds favor above-average temperatures across much of the continental United States, including drought-stricken areas of Texas, the Southwest and the Great Plains. Spring promises little drought …

Report Questions Insurer Readiness, Attitudes on Climate Change

A report out Thursday that details responses to a climate change survey from insurers doing business in California, Washington and New York shows many insurers are prepared to deal with today’s extreme weather events, but not longer-term “baseline changes” driven …

Risk of Minor Flooding Along Souris River This Spring

The risk of minor flooding at various points along the Souris River in North Dakota this spring is slightly greater than normal, the National Weather Service said. Allen Schlag, a Bismarck-based National Weather Service hydrologist, said there will be a …

Insurer Reports Sandy Flood Claims Resolving Quickly

A bulletin by the National Flood Insurance Program helped spur quicker processing of Sandy flood-related claims. Prior to the bulletin, claims were adjusted according to the policy and guidelines established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), according to Jeff …

New Anti-Flooding Ideas Urged for South Louisiana

It’s not possible for every south Louisiana community to be surrounded by a levee, but one state group says there are options available to reduce the risk of flooding. The Advocate reports a new subcommittee of the state Coastal Protection …