Floods News

Flood-Prone Ohio City Scouting Land for Solution

Federal officials who’ve been surveying land to find a place to divert water during flooding in this northwest Ohio city have run into a bit of a challenge. Officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said the land along …

Scientists Conclude Rise in Sea Level Cannot Be Stopped

Rising sea levels cannot be stopped over the next several hundred years, even if deep emissions cuts lower global average temperatures, but they can be slowed down, climate scientists said in a study on Sunday. A lot of climate research …

Lloyd’s Details ‘Growing Impact of Climate Change’ as UN Meets

Lloyd’s has published a roundup of the environmental issues inherent in as the world grows warmer. The recently concluded Rio +20 Conference was an attempt – 20 years after the first conference – “to try to reach agreement on sustainable …

UK Insurers Face Floods Losses; May Raise Premiums

British insurers face big claims for flooding after the heavy rainfalls across the country this month, making it harder for them to hit profit targets and potentially forcing them to raise premium rates for consumers, analysts said on Tuesday. Hundreds …

Aon Benfield May Cat Report Highlights Italian Quakes; $6 Billion Econ. Loss

Aon Benfield, the global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon plc, has released its latest edition of its Global Catastrophe Recap report, which reviews the natural disaster perils that occurred worldwide during the month of May. Published by Impact …

Fitch Analyzes Uncertainty over Extension of UK Flood Insurance Plan

The end in June of the UK government’s agreement with the country’s insurance industry, the Statement of Principles (SoP) agreement, which provides insurance in high flood risk areas, “may prove positive for the UK insurance industry,” according to a report …

South Texas Residents Drying Out after Storm

Residents living north of Corpus Christi in the Portland/Gregory communities are in the process of drying out following a 15-inch rainfall on April 16. Gregory, with a population of 2,500, reported 80 percent of its homes flooded from the storm. …

Levee.org Seeks Historic Status for Katrina-Damaged Levees

An advocacy group is bypassing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and going straight to the National Park Service in a quest to have two spots where levees failed during Hurricane Katrina added to the National Registry of Historic Places. …

Aon Benfield March Cat Recap: Severe U.S. Weather, Quakes & Floods

Aon Benfield, the global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon Corp, has released the latest edition of its Global Catastrophe Recap report, which reviews the natural disaster perils that occurred worldwide during March. Published by Impact Forecasting, the firm’s …

PERILS Updates Europe Industry Exposure Database for 2012

PERILS AG, the independent Zurich-based company providing industry-wide European catastrophe insurance data, has updated its Europe Industry Exposure Database with revised “market-wide property sums insured for European windstorm for Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland …