Floods News

Katrina-Related Case Loses Class Action Status in Louisiana

The Louisiana Supreme Court recently decertified as a class a lawsuit stemming from Hurricane Katrina that a lower court had previously found met the requirements for class action status. The plaintiffs in the suit are residents of St. Bernard Parish …

Aon Benfield Cat Report for November Highlights Cold and Floods

In its latest monthly assessment of the world’s catastrophes for November Aon Benfield highlights the first winter weather event of the season across Europe with “notable affects.” the report, published by the company’s Impact Forecasting team, who evaluate global natural …

Insurance Industry Outlook Improving, Slightly

The insurance industry is recovering from the economic crisis, but profits are nowhere near where they were prior to the crisis, and it will take California longer than other states to rebound, according to an industry economist. The property/casualty insurance …

Four Plead Not Guilty in High Profile Insurance Fraud Case in R.I.

Four people pleaded not guilty last month in U.S. District Court in an alleged scheme to rip off an insurance company of nearly $50,000, including a former North Providence town councilman facing corruption charges in a separate case and a …

Nashville Music Industry Back on Track After Floods

In a white clapboard house on a quiet street in Berry Hill, a six-month marathon effort to save dozens of flood-damaged musical instruments remains a daily labor of love with the goal of salvaging Nashville’s best-known industry from near disaster. …

It Figures

$30 Million A Harris County, Texas, jury rendered a $30 million verdict against the Houston-based owner of SunMart convenience stores for defrauding gasoline purchasers, according to the Texas Attorney General’s Office. SunMart is owned by Petroleum Wholesale L.P. (PWI). The …

Talk About the Weather

Floods, Windstorms, Droughts, Heat Waves and Wildfires There was a time in the not-so-distant past when events such as these would have been considered somewhat unusual in Europe. But these days, extreme weather events are becoming a much more common …

American Strategic Enters Homeowners Market in 3 States

American Strategic Insurance Corp. (ASI) has entered Virginia, Delaware and Georgia residential property markets. The company offers policies for homeowners, renters, condominium owners, seasonal residents and investment property owners through independent agencies. The company also offers flood coverage. ASI, a …

India Expects to Break Rich/Poor Deadlock at Climate Talks

An Indian proposal could break a deadlock between rich and poor countries over how to share the burdens of tackling global warming, India’s environment minister said Thursday before heading to U.N. climate talks in Mexico. India’s environment minister Jairam Ramesh …

Report: Flood of Problems Led to Iowa’s Lake Delhi Dam Breach

Several problems, including design flaws, likely led to the breach of an eastern Iowa dam last summer that decimated a nine-mile long lake, a panel of independent engineers said. The findings identified design and construction issues, areas where water likely …