Florence flooding News

Duke Restores Power to 1.2 Million in Carolinas as Florence Heads North

Duke Energy Corp., the biggest utility in the Carolinas, has faced a three-front war as it battles back against the wet and dangerously wild effects of Hurricane Florence. The company restored power to almost 80 percent of customers who went …

Hydroelectric Dams Operating at Peak to Manage Florence’s Floods

Florence’s driving rains are forcing hydroelectric dam operators to run generators at full tilt and open flood gates that haven’t been used in more than 20 years. The Tennessee Valley Authority — which operates dams in Tennessee, Georgia and other …

Hurricane Florence’s Surge Is Expected to Hit Homes That Already Cost the Government Millions: ProPublica

Though the flooding from Hurricane Florence is predicted to be unprecedented, residents of the coastal North Carolina towns threatened by the storm surge know what it’s like to take on water. Some homes in these areas have been repeatedly flooded …

Carolinians Must Wait for Flood Waters to Recede to Assess Florence’s Damage

Monday, Sept. 17, 2018, 9:55 am — Record-setting, still-rising floods covering much of eastern North Carolina are preventing companies, regulators and environmental groups from making a comprehensive assessment of damage from Hurricane Florence. On Monday, bucketing rains and tornado warnings …