Florida Amendment 2 News

Lawsuit Claims Florida is Ignoring Medical Marijuana Law

A Florida nursery and a man who suffers from epilepsy filed a lawsuit against Gov. Rick Scott’s administration that contends that state officials are flouting the state’s new medical marijuana law. It’s the latest legal challenge against the way Florida …

Florida Medical Marijuana Law Signed by Scott

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation Friday to implement the medical marijuana amendment voters approved last year. Amendment 2, approved by 71 percent of the voters in November, took effect on Jan. 3 and required that laws had to be …

Florida Gov Pledges to Sign Medical Marijuana Bill Passed During Special Session

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said he “absolutely” intends to sign the medical marijuana bill passed Friday by the state Legislature. After the original legislation fell apart on the final day of the regular session last month, the chambers approved the …

Florida Becomes 26th State to Approve Medical Marijuana

Florida voters approved a state constitutional amendment last week to legalize medical marijuana, broadening access to pot beyond the limited therapeutic uses approved by the legislature two years ago. Amendment 2 passed with 71 percent approval, well above the 60 …