Florida AOB abuse News

Will 7th Time Be the Charm? Industry Makes Big Push for AOB Reform in 2019

The push for assignment of benefits (AOB) reform in the 2019 Florida legislative session is in full swing, and the insurance industry and consumer advocates have pulled out all the stops to emphasize their contention that abuse of a policyholder …

Southeast Officials Focus on Curbing Fraud, Rising Auto Rates, Flood Insurance, Distracted Driving

For the seventh year in a row, the Florida insurance industry, regulators, and consumer advocates will push for reforms to the state’s assignment of benefits issue that has now become an insurance crisis, according to a report from the Insurance …

Insurance Journal Southeast’s Top Stories for 2018: Fraud, Hurricanes, Data Security Law

It was a busy year in the Southeast with two major hurricanes that wreaked havoc on the region, an escalating insurance crisis in Florida, and a new industry-specific cybersecurity law in South Carolina that takes effect Jan. 1, 2019. Here …

Citizens to Request 8.2% Rate Increase from Florida Regulators

Citizens Property Insurance Corp. will file for a statewide average increase of 8.2 percent for personal lines policyholders – homeowners, condominium owners and renters. The Florida insurer of last resort’s Board of Governors on Wednesday approved a 2019 rate package …

I.I.I. Study Cites AOB Abuse for Increasing Insurance Costs In Florida

A new study released by the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) finds that Florida’s assignment of benefits (AOB) crisis has cost consumers billions of dollars in unnecessary litigation and inflated claim costs as the abuse continues to spread statewide. “In Florida, …

Florida Fraud Strike Team Targets Unlicensed Contractors in Panhandle

Three contractors conducting business in Leon, Gadsden, and Gulf counties have been removed from the Panhandle by the Florida Department of Financial Services’ Disaster Fraud Action Strike Team for unlicensed activity following Hurricane Michael, according to a statement from Florida …

Regulators, Industry Seek to Keep Florida AOB Abuse In Check After Michael

In an effort to keep the Florida assignment of benefits (AOB) crisis from further worsening in the state, Florida’s insurance industry, regulators and consumer advocates are on high alert for AOB activity in the wake of Hurricane Michael and working …

Florida Appeals Court Deals Insurers a Win in AOB Fight with Policy Language Ruling

In a significant turn of events in the insurance industry’s fight against Florida assignment of benefits (AOB) abuse, Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal (DCA) has ruled that an insurer’s anti-assignment provision was not prohibited. But the battle isn’t over …

How the Florida Insurance Industry Hopes to Rein In AOB Crisis

“I think the number one thing the insurance industry can do is link AOB (assignment of benefits) to the impact that it’s having on the individual consumer and the huge impact it’s having on the premiums that the consumer’s paying,” …

Florida’s Citizens Delays Decision on Proposed 2019 Rate Increases

Florida’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. will wait until December to determine its 2019 insurance rates and whether it will approve a proposed 7.9 percent statewide increase for homeowners policies. The decision to defer action on the 2019 proposed rates came …