Florida appeals courts News

Florida Bad-Faith Suit Survives Even Though Policy Limits Paid and Sinkhole Excluded

Just because an insurer paid the full policy limits on a claim, and argues that the damages weren’t even covered, doesn’t mean it can escape a bad-faith lawsuit. It’s the type of court decision that has rankled Florida insurance carriers …

Appeals Court Upholds Sanctions Against Florida Insurance Defense Attorney

A Florida appeals court has issued a sharp rebuke to an insurance defense attorney, upholding sanctions and charging that he has engaged in a pattern of conduct designed to trigger mistrials. Dale Gobel, of Orlando, made “intentionally misleading and deceptive …

Misrepresentation by Insured? It’s Complicated, Florida Appeals Court Rules

Proving that an insured misrepresented the extent of damage from a storm may have just become a little more complicated for Florida insurance companies. Florida’s 5th District Court of Appeals last week reversed a trial court’s summary judgment order, which …