Florida bad faith bill News

How the Florida ‘Omnibus’ Insurance Bill Will Impact Insurer Duty to Defend, Appraisal

While most of the news out of the 2019 Florida Legislative Session surrounding insurance has focused on House Bill 7065 and the wide-spread assignment of benefits (AOB) reform it promises, another piece of legislation that makes some big insurance-related changes …

Florida Passes ‘Catch All’ Insurance Bill Impacting Surplus Lines, Catastrophe Fund

A Florida bill that the insurance industry says will help modernize the state’s surplus lines system, as well as impact property insurer contracts under the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and reduce “bad faith” lawsuits, is now awaiting the governor’s signature …

Florida Lawmakers Reject Bad-Faith Reform Bill

Business groups in Florida saw their efforts to reform the state’s bad-faith law end suddenly for the year after a legislative committee voted by a one vote margin to kill a bill that would have placed additional restrictions on lawsuits. …