Florida cat fund bonds News

Florida 1.3% Hurricane Tax to End in January

Florida regulators announced they are ending a 1.3 percent assessment on property insurance premiums 18 months ahead of schedule. The monies had been used to pay off bonds issued by the state’s hurricane catastrophe fund in 2010. The Florida Hurricane …

Florida Benefits As Yield-Thirsty Investors Line Up for Hurricane Bonds

In 2008, Florida’s government-run property insurer paid Warren Buffett $224 million to agree to buy its debt if a major storm struck. Six hurricane-free years later, the state is turning investors away. With hurricane season set to start June 1, …

Florida Catastrophe Fund Financially Stronger on Eve of Hurricane Season

Florida is heading into a new storm season with some good news for once. The state-created fund that backs up private insurers in Florida is in the best financial shape it has been in years — maybe the best since …

Florida Cat Fund Looks to Issue $2 Billion in Pre-Event Bonds

Florida’s state-run property reinsurance facility is preparing to issue $2 billion in revenue bonds to ensure it has enough money on hand to quickly pay insurers’ claims in the event of a major hurricane. The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund has …