Florida CFO Atwater News

Florida Supports Mississippi Suit Against Flood Insurance Hikes

Florida officials plan to file a brief in support of Mississippi’s lawsuit against the federal government in an attempt to block flood insurance rate hikes called for under recent reform legislation. Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi said …

Florida Massage Therapist, 14 Patients Charged with Insurance Fraud

Florida officials said they have arrested a licensed massage therapist, a physician’s assistant and 14 massage clinic patients on charges of insurance fraud and grand theft as part of an undercover sting. Officials said Judith Gonzalez, 39, owner of Flamingo …

Florida CFO Atwater Seeks Claimants’ Feedback on BP Oil Claims

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater is asking the state’s business community and BP oil spill claimants for their input regarding the claims handling process of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. Specifically, Atwater wants to hear suggestions or concerns about …