Florida Department of Environmental Protection News

New Florida Law Seeks to Protect State from Sea Level Rise

Florida – one of the most vulnerable places in the world to sea level rise – will spend hundreds of millions of dollars over the next few years to protect against coastal flooding under a bill Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis …

Concern for Red Tide Outbreak in Tampa Bay After Wastewater Discharge

Environmentalists are worried that a recent discharge of wastewater into Tampa Bay could exacerbate a new outbreak of the dreaded red tide algal blooms. An estimated 215 million gallons of wastewater from the old Piney Point fertilizer plant grounds was …

New Florida Laws Address Climate Issues, Require Sea Level Study for Construction

Republican Florida Ron DeSantis signed a slew of environmental bills in less than 24 hours that address issues ranging from sea level rise to blue-green algae blooms – and even given the state authority to use drones to fight invasive …

Florida City Hit with $2.1M Fine Over Sewage Spills

The city of Fort Lauderdale has been slapped with $2.1 million in fines by the state for a series of sewage spills. The South Florida SunSentinel reports that the state Department of Environmental Protection originally imposed a $1.8 million fine. …

Florida Passes Bill to Combat Blue-Green Algae Blooms

The Florida Legislature is attempting to rein in the blue-green algae blooms that have hurt tourism and wildlife, sending Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis a bill that seeks to reduce nutrients reaching the state’s waterways and groundwater. The bill is a …

Fort Lauderdale Fined $1.8M by Florida Officials After Multiple Sewage Spills

The state of Florida is fining the city of Fort Lauderdale $1.8 million for a series of massive sewage spills that have sent sent toxic sewage onto streets and into waterways since December. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection sent …

Florida Lawmakers Weigh Proposals to Fight Algae Blooms

The scum of blue-green algae was so thick and invasive in Florida two years ago that it suffocated fish by the thousands. Birds dropped dead. And people stayed out of the water. Offshore, a toxic swarm of rust-colored flecks known …

Florida Governor Wants Stiffer Fines for Cities That Pollute

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will ask the Legislature to increase fines for local governments that pollute state waters and give the Department of Environmental Protection more power to enforce pollution laws. DeSantis announced his proposal Sept. 11 at the Conservancy …

Florida Forms Task Force, Commits $3M to Study Toxic Algae Blooms

Florida’s governor has created a new task force to help clean up the state’s lakes and rivers as lawmakers approved funding for research into toxic red tide that has affected the state’s coastline. Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the formation of …

Florida to Require 2-Day Public Notification of Pollution Spills

Florida Gov. Rick Scott is poised to sign a bill that will require the public to receive notification of pollution spills within two days of discovery. The Florida Legislature passed a bill (SB 532) Wednesday that requires polluters to notify …