Florida efforts to curb opioid abuse News

Florida Attorney General Sues 5 Drug Companies Over Opioids

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi launched a “comprehensive” lawsuit Tuesday aimed at punishing several major drug manufacturers and distributors, contending they were responsible for “pain and destruction” and a surge in opioid overdose deaths. Florida filed its lawsuit the same …

Study: Florida’s Crackdown on ‘Pill Mills’ Linked to Fewer Painkiller Overdose Deaths

A crackdown on Florida’s “pill mills” – clinics dispensing large quantities of prescription painkillers often for cash-only and without proper medical examinations – appears to have dramatically reduced the number of overdose deaths in the state from these drugs and …

Study: In 1st Year, 2 Florida Laws Reduced Amount of Opioids Prescribed

Two Florida laws, enacted to fight prescription drug abuse and misuse in that state, led to a small but significant decrease in the amount of opioids prescribed the first year the laws were in place, a new study suggests. According …