Florida gun ownership News

Federal Appeals Court Rules Florida Doctors Can Ask Patients About Guns

A federal appeals court has ruled that Florida doctors can talk to patients about gun safety, declaring a law aimed at restricting such discussions a violation of the First Amendment’s right to free speech. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of …

Florida Battle Over Law Limiting Doctors’ Gun Speech Rages On

As a pediatrician, Dr. Judith Schaechter can ask parents of her patients all sorts of questions regarding their safety and well-being: what the child eats, whether there’s a backyard pool and whether the child gets enough sleep. Yet the question …

Florida Gun Owners Without Permits Get Exemption for Hurricanes

Florida gun owners who don’t have a concealed weapons permit can now take their firearms with them while fleeing a hurricane. Not that it’s been a big problem in Florida in the past. No one can cite an example of …

Judge Upholds Florida Law Curbing Doctors’ Gun Speech with Patients

A Florida law restricting what doctors can tell patients about gun ownership was deemed to be constitutional by a federal appeals court, which said it legitimately regulates professional conduct and doesn’t violate the doctors’ First Amendment free speech rights. The …

Insurers Cooperated in Writing of Florida Rule on Gun Ownership

Florida lawmakers have approved legislation that supporters say will uphold a policyholder’s constitutional right to bear arms by preventing insurers from using gun ownership in underwriting. The Florida House of Representatives by a 77 to 44 margin signed-off on the …

Florida Ban on Gun Ownership in Insurance Underwriting Goes to Governor

A Florida bill that would forbid insurance companies from refusing to serve or charging higher rates to applicants based on their ownership of a firearm has been sent to Gov. Rick Scott to sign. The measure passed the House 74-44 …