Florida Insurance Council News

Florida Updates Neutral Evaluation Rules for Sinkhole Claim Disputes

New rules changing the way disputed sinkhole claims are handled in Florida as part of the state’s Sinkhole Neutral Evaluation Program have been approved and took effect July 27. The main changes to the consumer sinkhole claim dispute process include: …

Property Insurance on Agenda as Florida Legislature Opens

New leadership now controls Florida’s Republican-led Legislature, where the loquacious Don Gaetz presides in the Senate and 33-year-old Will Weatherford steps into the biggest test of his political career as speaker of the 120-member House of Representatives. As the nine-week …

Insurers Say Losses from Sandy Won’t Hit Florida

Insurance experts say the costs associated with losses from superstorm Sandy in the northeast should not affect Florida homeowners. Sam Miller of the Florida Insurance Council said Tuesday that the Florida market is dominated by state-backed Citizens and local insurers …

The Politics of Florida PIP: Industry Looks on While Pols Seek Answers

Most agree that Florida’s automobile no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) system needs to be reformed. But in the halls of the state Capitol the struggle over just how to reform the law has exposed how complicated it is to rein …