Florida legislature News

For Florida Gov. Scott, Insurance Fixes Are Legislative Priority

Gov. Rick Scott wants lawmakers to fix a pair of auto and property insurance issues that are costing Floridians hundreds of millions of dollars but have eluded resolution for more than a decade. The issue facing the largest number of …

Florida Lawmakers Take Two-Pronged Approach to Insurance Reform

Tort reform and fraud have become the two big targets as Florida lawmakers are finally gearing up to tackle the state’s no-fault auto insurance law. Taking a divide and conquer approach, the House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee has approved a …

BP Oil Spill Claims Chief Feinberg to Face Florida Lawmakers

The man in charge of paying BP claims for the Gulf oil spill will soon face a Florida legislative committee to answer questions about how the compensation scheme is going. Kenneth Feinberg, the lawyer who is overseeing the Gulf Coast …

Florida Lawmakers Aim to Shrink State Insurer Citizens

Florida lawmakers are looking to cut the state’s largest property insurer down in size. The plan is to reduce the number of properties insured by Citizens Property Insurance Corp. by allowing it to raise its rates by as much as …