Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) News

Update: Florida Prepares for Hurricane Dorian; CoreLogic Cites $145B Exposure

Hurricane Dorian has set its sights on the Southeast coast, with Florida likely to be the state that feels the biggest impact when it makes its U.S. landfall sometime over the weekend or early next week, according to forecasters. Disaster …

Florida Regulator Calls Open Hurricane Michael Claims ‘Discouraging’; Plans Data Call

With more than 20,000 claims related to Hurricane Michael still open nine months after the storm hit the Florida Panhandle, Florida’s top insurance regulator is calling on the insurance industry to take “all actions necessary” to bring policyholder claims to …

Florida Gets Ready for Peak Hurricane Season After 3 Years of Major Storms

Floridians are on alert as the state heads into peak hurricane season after three straight years of being impacted by major storms. Meanwhile, the Florida Panhandle continues its recovery from Hurricane Michael that devastated the region as a Category 5 …

New AAIS Florida Homeowners By-Peril Program Approved by State Regulator

AAIS (the American Association of Insurance Services) has received approval for its new Florida Homeowners By-Peril Insurance Program from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR). The AAIS Florida Homeowners By-Peril Program provides carriers operating in Florida a way to …

Florida Governor Urges Lawmakers to Address AOB as Reforms Move Forward

Just over a week into the 2019 legislative session, insurance industry-supported bills aimed at reforming Florida assignment of benefits (AOB) abuse are making progress in the state legislature. Lawmakers in the Florida House of Representatives and Senate have each advanced …

Florida Regulator to Hold Public Hearing on Citizens Rate Increase

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) will conduct a rate hearing to receive public comment on the proposed rate changes from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. for its business in the Coastal Account (CA), Commercial Lines Account, and Personal Lines …

Fix Assignments of Benefits Now

I recently received an email from a Florida “snow bird”. If you’re not familiar with the term, it refers to people who make their home in two places. In the warm months, they make their homes in northern climates, such …

Will 7th Time Be the Charm? Industry Makes Big Push for AOB Reform in 2019

The push for assignment of benefits (AOB) reform in the 2019 Florida legislative session is in full swing, and the insurance industry and consumer advocates have pulled out all the stops to emphasize their contention that abuse of a policyholder …

Florida Approves 13.8% Workers’ Comp Rate Decrease

A revised workers compensation rate filing for a 13.8 percent decrease by the National Council on Compensation Insurance has been approved by Florida Insurance Commissioner David Altmaier. The amended filing to NCCI’s August rate request of 13. 4 percent was …

Florida Workers’ Comp Rates to Decrease by Double-Digits in 2019

Florida workers’ compensation rates are going down again next year, the third decrease in the two years since significant Florida Supreme Court decisions created concern and uncertainty over future of the state’s workers’ comp system. According to an order from …