Florida PIP reform News

Florida Legislature Passes Major Changes to Auto, Property Insurance Markets

Florida lawmakers passed two bills on the last day of their 2021 legislative session that make major changes to the state’s auto and property insurance markets. The actions follow weeks of back-and-forth debate on the proposals between the House and …

Commentary: Proposed Florida PIP Repeal a Bad Deal for Consumers, Industry

While the intent may be good, a bill currently under consideration by the Florida Legislature will be disastrous for the state’s auto insurance market. The specific legislation being weighed by lawmakers is CS/SB 54. This bill proposes to eliminate personal …

Florida Drives Toward Repeal of Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law

After many years of trying, Florida is closer than ever to repealing its 50-year-old motor vehicle no-fault law. However, many industry stakeholders have expressed opposition to the legislation passed by the Florida Senate last week and its companion bill approved …

Florida AOB Reform Efforts Fail Again as Parkland Tragedy Derails Legislative Session

With over 900 items on the Florida legislative docket and only 60 days to consider them, it’s not surprising that many bills simply die in committee or are never seriously considered. Add to that a tragic event right in the …

Court Weighs Merits of Hold Placed on Florida PIP Reforms

Florida automobile insurers are hoping a court lifts an injunction that has blocked portions of the state’s 2012 no-fault law from taking effect. Florida’s First District Court of Appeals recently heard oral arguments in the case [McCarty v. First DCA …

Florida Judge Upholds Injunction Against Portions of State’s PIP Law

A Florida judge has upheld his temporary injunction partially blocking portions of the state’s automobile no-fault insurance law on the basis it infringes on drivers’ access to the courts. As a result, regulators are appealing to a higher court. Second …

Florida Justices Face Another PIP Conundrum: Medical Fees

Florida’s high court is poised to decide how much money insurers owe some medical providers in cases where an auto policy does not specifically state that the fees will be based on a fee schedule approved by state lawmakers in …

Florida Gov. Scott, Insurers Vow Fight to Save PIP Law After Injunction

A Florida circuit court judge has issued a temporary injunction against certain provisions of the state’s no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) law, ruling that it is no longer a “reasonable alternative” to a tort system because of recent changes to …

Florida Senate Leader to Insurers: Where Are Savings from PIP Reforms?

Key Florida lawmakers are running out of patience with the state’s fraud-plagued no-fault motor vehicle insurance system that has cost policyholders hundred millions of dollars. Senate President Don Gaetz , R-Niceville, told The Associated Press he isn’t persuaded that reforms …

Reforms May Save Florida Drivers Up to 24.6% on PIP Premium: Report

Florida’s new no-fault auto insurance law could result in savings of 14 percent up to as much as 24.6 percent for drivers’ on their personal injury protection premiums, although it remains to be seen whether those savings will reduce their …